♋ PCG 17

Oct 28, 2011 00:21


Okay, humans, I've kept quiet up until this point. I've let you have your stupid fun even though your jelly monsters and growth spores look like something a wiggler scrawled on a cave wall using its own shit. I have even managed not to comment on the 'spaceships' even though they are just so stupid, like, what is wrong with you, I think it's probably rotting you from the inside out.

But this? This is just offensive. I don't know what the fuck those things are supposed to be, but just a picture of them alone would be enough to forever classify humans as a species on an intellectual par with mucus worms.

Also, no one in the vicinity of my hive try to get cute. My lusus, giant crab monster though he may be, looks nothing like these walking sacks of embarrassment, and I will do humanity a favor and remove your dumb ass from the genetic swamp if you even think about it.

[Later; Action]

[Just. Walking around being menaced by crab monsters and trying to pretend they aren't there.]
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