Dec 25, 2008 01:54
the holidays are a wonderful time for nostalgia. I spent all day rereading my entire live journal, all 6 years of it (after getting snowed in and having three flights canceled yesterday) I decided, I like livejournal and I think I will start writing in it more often.
here is the best thing i read:
"me and sean wanted to practice our rocking and rolling, seans mom said not in my house...until you rake the lawn and fill 5 bags, so instead we went and stole neighbors bags and put them in his yard"
that shit's funny, and: I miss Sean Abbott, terribly, especially after reading these journal entries...god. (are you reading this sean? I miss you soooooo badly)
I have decided the following things:
I want to write a play called will be about a boy who loves two who he is dating originally, she is a bit of a dork, a stick in the mud, probably a prude...the second a sort of scene celebrity, wild, out of control with an air of slutishness...he will leave the former for the latter, discover the pitfalls of the latter's life and end up trying to get back with the former and blow everything and wind up alone, in the process becoming a quasi scene celebrity and he will see the latter lady in the stupid hipster bars and there will be this look shared between them, an acknowledgment of the horrible vacancy of their lives, but also the inability to "uneat the apple," if you'll excuse the biblical allusion.
I want to bang out a more solid framework for this and then work with other people on the dialogue so that it sounds like two people talking rather than one person pretending to be two people.
I want to start pre-producing/ arranging a cup'n'string album that i've been working on for like a million years. I recorded like 10 songs with acoustic guitar/harmonica/voice and a little bit of cello, but I want to spend like 6 months fleshing them out, then play live with them for another, oh month or so, then rerecord an album so that it will be awesome. I want to go all out on this. I don't know how much steam I have left in writing sappy acoustic ballads, so I'd like to really get this one right.
That being said I've started a new dance project called will be awesome, I will play bass and utilize dub mixing concepts to totally move into higher realms of hip swaggering existence. I will wear big glasses and dress like a robot...a sweaty coke fueled robot with an hydraulically powered cock.
I am much closer to finishing that book about california/1997 than a lot of people would think. I think most people that knew about that project thought I had given up on it but I hadn't. I'll be honest. It takes a lot longer to write a novel than I thought. As I'd never done it before I wasn't all that good at it. But I'm beginning to be. At any rate I've been working on one project for almost two years and I haven't quit. That feels nice.
Before I got to bed and wake up early to hopefully fly down to alabama, I will say this. Caleb is one of my long standing favoritest people in the world, when I think about getting to see him I am giddy. There's a lot of people I feel that way about too, but man, I love caleb....yo dude, you're rad...and I like your poetry, and your spirit and lots of other stuff. let's hang out.