Before anything else though, Advanced Happy Birthday (and I really hope it's Happy~) to
Le Ponkhan/
insane_orange. Also on the calendar is September 23, which was when
orochi_raziel christened himself as the Fastest Crippled Man alive followed by 25 which is my birthday. Whee~
Anyway, I've got my computer reformatted so somehow, it feels new. Dad got me a new DVD-Rom (named DVD-Ram instead) which is also a CD burner so I wasted buying four CDs for nothing. Actually, I'm supposed to give the CDs to my cousin but since we also have blank DVDs, I ended up wasting money. Oh well. Anyway, everything's fast too but the monitor seems to still need adjustment.
VERY bad sides are, my internet requires reconfiguring (I can post now but most of the websites, I can't seem to get in), most of my music files are gone (I have up from A to Edens Bowy which is a few), and some of my files are gone as well including emulators. T_T Why does it have to be emulators? Why?!!! T_T
BTW, I was hoping I could ninjameet Urumi/
sixthwinemaiden today but I ended up being ninja'd bywith Raz and Jeremy instead. Lost them when we got to the MRT though. And stupid me, I even made a mistake with the tickets again. >_>