Jun 29, 2008 21:49
[1] What is your middle name? Owens, my grandmother's maiden name
[2] What color is your mailbox? gold or bronze, can't tell what it was originally
[3] Are you available? nope
[4] Have you ever hit a deer? no
[5] Do you have to drive over a bridge to get home? at least three to and from school
[6] Are you taller than your mom? No
[7] What curse do you say the most when you're pissed? probably fuck
[8] Are you God? If I was god, would I look like this?
[9] What do you do to get over a broken heart? chocolate and time
[10] Do you enjoy writing in colored pens? only purple, the others get annoying
[11] Does anything hurt on your body right now? my back, my boobs, my feet, the general pregnant lady pains
[12] Do you often cry during a movie? no
[13] Last text message you received? meet at 10:30
[14] Who sent it? friend Katie
[15] Do you hate your life? hardly
[16] Do you get mad easily? i would say fairly easily
[17] Do you drink? not for the last 3 and not for the next year
[18] What is your biggest pet peeve? apathy
[19] Are you cold? no
[20] Do any of your friends have kids? some of them do
[21] Who should pay on the first date? whoever did the asking
[22] How many years older than you are you willing to date? no more than 5
[23] Do you have any friends? yes I do
[24] Do you have any mean friends? yeah
[25] What is the ugliest color in your opinion? neon orange
[26] Have you ever dated someone who all your friends couldn't stand? yes
[27] Have you ever felt like driving off a cliff, seriously? no
[28] Have you ever contemplated suicide? nope
[29] Do you scratch your ears? when they itch
[30] Who was the last person to hug you? Andrew
[31] What brand are the pants/jeans you're wearing right now? Merona pj pants
[32] How tall are you? 5'2"
[33] What is the closest green object? spoon from the yogurt i just ate
[34] What is on your feet? I'm bare foot
[35] If you were born the opposite sex, what would your parents name you? John
[36] If you could go back to any time period when would it be? Renaissance, Italy in particular
[37] Do you want to have kids? i guess i'm committed to it at this point
[38] What is your favorite color? purple
[39] Who is the friend you have that you would never have? huh?
[40] Who do you hate the most right now? R.F. for not giving me a job
[41] What's your mother's middle name? Owens, same as me
[42] What kind of car do you want? the one i have- a Prius- although that Fuel cell Honda sounds interesting
[43] What is your favorite video game? Duck Hunt
[44] Do you like your dad? he's likable enough
[45] Do you have any TV shows on DVD? Sex and the City, Bones, House, Monk, Monty Python, I really could go on.
[46] Are you wearing make up? no
[47] Do you have a tattoo? no
[48] Have you ever broken a pinata? yes, when I was 12 maybe
[49] What time is it right now? 10pm
[50] Do you know how to draw? no
[51] Who loves orange soda? me and my brother
[52] Who is your hero? don't have one
[53] Who did you last IM? probably Kristen
[54] Do you work a lot of hours? from mid August-mid June I do
[55] Where were you 24 hours ago? asleep
[56] Who was the last person that called you? Katie
[57] Is there anything you regret? not really
[58] Do you know where your family name originated from? Scotland and Wales
[59] Animal that creeps you out? skunks