Much like Electorate proper, the outtakes are completely out of order.
Gosh, I don't know what was wrong with this picture.
Lauren: "Hey, guys! There's a fourth wall over there!"
Who's the most epic cutie in all the land? It's you, isn't it? Well, duh.
This guy. This guy was talking about birds, and I tried to get him in as many shots as I could because he just cracked me up so hard.
Lauren: "I hit my head on the ceiling. :("
This is Joshua trying to be sleazy.
Angie: "I'm angry!"
Joshua: "Oooh, I'm so scared."
This is a series of pictures entitled "Lauren under purple lights for no reason." In theory I was doing outdoor lighting tests and seeing how a couple of hair texture & alpha edits looked in-game, and it quickly devolved from there.
The wings go transparent on certain zoom levels which I thought was awesome. Completely useless, but awesome.
Quite possibly my favourite picture of Lauren. She never smiles like that.
I shortened this hair and I think it looks pretty okay? It's a nice style on Lauren, but her hair isn't as long as the original was.
In her panic, the gypsy smashed the crystal ball into her skull and, sadly, died.
Guess what's wrong with this picture.
Electorate: Budget Neighbourhood View Tourist Pamphlet Edition!
Electorate is a place. It's a state of mind flanked by Werriwa to the south and Lindsay to the far north. Roughly 8% of Electorate is owned by the Lius. It was settled in three stages.
The Old District was settled... first - before Federation, at any rate. Here you will find trees, beautiful old houses, the weekly Healesville market (every Thursday from 10 - 5, on the corner of Brown and Fielding streets), lovely parks, and trees.
Rich old people, sad Italian boys, and young uni students who are allergic to holding down a job live here with their more responsible house mates.
The Indusrial District was settled around the time of Federation, roughly fifty years after the first suburb. It's mostly comprised of old factories and rental properties, a few shops, the local school, and the train station. Tours of the old haunted brewery are conducted every Friday and Saturday nights. Come for the fun, stay for the state of the art cardiac ward located in the basement!
Crazy librarians and people who rent apartments from their parents for ridiculously cheap live here.
The New Industrial District was settled in the 70's and 80's and promptly abandoned by prosperous folks, for the most part. In the late 90's, business started to trickle back in, and so this district is slowly becoming more expensive. Goodbye, poor people who own no boots, hello, rich St. Kilda types who own many, many boots!
Special, this month only! Come harrass the new guy at the petrol station on Stott-Despoja Road, only $5.99! Reduce him to tears and be entered in the raffle to win!*
Please note: If you run into any elders on your stay here, run, lest you be made to sit at their feet and listen for hours to their stories about how "That used to be a field over there, you know." The Electorate-famous Arthouse nightclub is here, along with diners, office buildings, libraries, and the air port, should you need to make a quick escape.
Questions, comments, complaints, and requests can be sent in an envelope to anywhere you please. Book yourself a plane ticket and visit Electorate today!
* No refunds for snarky comebacks or cool indifference. There is no actual raffle prize.
Written and approved by C. T. Camera for the Electorate Tourism Commission, Electorate.
Here are some of the lovely views from Lauren's house. I wanted to take some pictures from all the major places in Electorate so far, but my graphics card is slowly dying (it's currently at the shop for a new one), and so here are the ones I managed to take before the game crashed in a desperate act of self-preservation.
Towards the Old District; nothing particularly fascinating.
Towards the New Industrial District. Behind the park you can just see the diner; the Arthouse is behind the trees. Josh's house is a couple of blocks to the right and down a bit.
Looking behind Lauren's house.
You can see Angie's apartment down the street and around the corner. Roughly five minutes sober, ten minutes drunk, and twenty minutes drunk if you're Lauren.
The floating roof to the far right of this picture is a symptom of my dying graphics card; try to ignore it.
Any questions?