Sep 13, 2008 15:07
Because I am a hopeless shipper.
So if you love John/Elizabeth (SGA) and/or Bill/Laura (BSG), cut & paste.
John/Liz or Laura/Bill:
Other Ships:
Other Interests:
What do you post about:
Anything else you may like to add:
Please, pimp it!
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Comments 319
Age: 20
Location: UK
Fandoms: BSG, CSI:Miami, Sherlock Holmes (Granada) and NCIS, but the latter is in my bad books right now.
John/Liz or Laura/Bill: Laura/Bill, quite possibly one of the best love stories ever told.
Other Ships: Horatio/Calleigh, Horatio/Yelina, Jenny/Jethro, a bit of Lee/Kara.
Other Interests: Photography, reading.
What do you post about: Some RL stuff, but it's mainly fandom-centric.
Anything else you may like to add: HAAAAI! *waves*
Laura/Bill, quite possibly one of the best love stories ever told.
I completely agree! You seem awesome and even though we only currently share the one fandom we do share some interests (and most importantly a deep love for A/R). Friend?
Age: 27
Location: US
Fandoms: BSG, Stargate, The X-Files, Babylon 5, Farscape, Star Trek: DS9 & Voyager
John/Liz or Laura/Bill: Laura/Bill, though if I were more active in the Stargate fandom, I would definitely be a John/Liz shipper
Other Ships: Sam/Jack, Janeway/Chakotay, Mulder/Scully
Other Interests: crafts, drawing, reading, rollerblading
What do you post about: Mostly RL stuff
Anything else you may like to add: Not that I can think of...I'm rather boring.
And you share my BSG, SG & Farscape love :D
*adding you now*
*added* :)
Age: 28
Location: Norway
Fandoms: BSG, Doctor Who, CSI (sometimes), Lord of the Rings (occasionally)
John/Liz or Laura/Bill: Laura/Bill, yes.
Other Ships: Doctor/Rose, Barbara/Ian, Grissom/Sara (Catherine/Warrick *sigh*), Faramir/Eowyn
Other Interests: Life, news, current affairs, politics, football (European kind, thank you), science, books, Discovery channel.
What do you post about: Fandom, fic, news, stuff that's caught my interest, Norway, a bit of my life and anything I feel like, really.
Anything else you may like to add: Life needs more cats.
I must say your writing for A/R is beautiful! I'm also a Doctor Who fan as well, and it sounds like we post about similar sorts of things in our journals. You sound like a very interesting person & you're obviously very talented. I'd love to have you on my friends page!
Age: well... almost 18
Location: Czech republic
Fandoms: BSG, SGA (1-3), SG1, Farscape, Doctor Who, Gilmore Girls, House, Firefly, Lost.
John/Liz or Laura/Bill: Both! But if I have to choose ... sparky, I guess.
Other Ships: Kara/Sam, Helo/Sharon, Elizabeth/Daniel, Jack/Samantha, John/Aeryn, Doctor/Martha, Logan/Rory, House/Cuddy, Mal/Inara, Sawyer/Kate, ...
Other Interests: politics, shopping, tennis, my friends, ...
What do you post about: RL, fandom.
Anything else you may like to add: you should know that I ship too much :P
Age: 18
Location: Germany
Fandoms: BSG, Bones, SGA, SG1, NCIS, Star Trek (mainly Voyager), Eureka,...
John/Liz or Laura/Bill: I'm relatively new to BSG and I haven't finished season 2 yet (yes, I know that I'm slow :/) but Laura/Bill already owns my heart
Other Ships: Booth/Bones, Sam/Jack, Daniel/Vala, Janeway/Chakotay, Juliet/Jack
Other Interests: iconmaking, reading, politics, science
What do you post about: I don't post as often as I'd like to but when it's mainly RL stuff and sometimes fandom stuff
Anything else you may like to add: uhm, hi!
And you look like an awesome livejournaler to me :D Friends?
And you look like an awesome livejournaler to me :D Friends?
sure, I'll add you in a minute :)
P.S: lol at your icon. I really should start making BSG icons but I would never come up with something original like that :/
Yeah, this one is made by
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