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Feb 24, 2009 00:04

soooo stuffs been a little crazy the past couple days. saturday morning i woke up after a drunk night of celebrating Tyler's 21st birthday. the whole day/night was so fun. i just love birthdays and celebrating ahaha saturday morning i woke up at 7am for a lacrosse tournament in boston. yeahhhh i started playing lacrosse last week for Salem State. its only a club team and i'm not that good but the team is very talented and i definately plan on becoming very good at the sport so dont hateeee! soo anyways, i woke up went to the tournament all morning & got back to my apartment around 1:30ish to a message from Lauren (roomie) that Paul(roomies bf & verrrrrrrrry good friend) got in a bad car accident. Little PaulyPaul is all banged up and hasnt been doing too good since. Lauren has been so great dealing with everything going on and shes so strong. i dont think anyone else could handle whats going on as well as she is. Im gonna try and go in to Boston with Keane tomorrow to see him. It just makes me so sad to think i cant do anything to make anything better. ughhhh. all hopes & prayers for my friend Paul cuz no one deserves it more than to come out okay than him.


*the boys before graduation being sillyyyyyy

*put us 3 together and see what happens...

*celebrating their graduation

*i originally didnt think of this picture but this better depicts mine & pauls friendship<3
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