Feb 20, 2011 16:32
You know why I never write in my lj? Because it seems that the mood only strikes me when I am tired/hungry/melancholy and I write some weird-ass shit that upon reflection makes me sound like a crazy cat lady. And I've got a few years and a few more cats to acquire before I'm ready to take that next step.
Which reminds me, 30 Rock was hilarious this week. The similarities between myself and Liz Lemon are both hilarious and frightening. With my Christmas Cake age only a few short months away (nobody wants X-mas Cake after the 25th) this episode about spinster-hood was very poignant. It's like looking into cleverly-written and well-acted fun-house mirror of my future...
Supernatural was pretty good this week. I am unwilling to put it fully into the good category for 3 reasons: 1. The music. So over-powering. So terrible. 2. Cheesy montages. Yeah, Dean drops by unexpectedly a lot. We get it. 3. The sloppy writing at the end. So wait, she was standing right by the building when the Impala drove through it? And was impaled by a giant piece of glass while Dean (who was much closer) came away completely unscathed? Why didn't she just bail on the crazy people being chased around by a car no one was driving again? I liked the banter, liked that Dean had to confront Ben and Lisa, and was faced with the question "What do you want from us?" and unable to answer it. So far I like the direction this season is going, I just feel the execution is kind of...lackluster. There seems to be more "wouldn't it be cool to do more meta stuff?" then concern for a cohesive story that continues to see these characters develop. I'm seeing way more telling than showing, and I really think this show is better than that. But of course, I'm totally nuts for this show, and there hasn't been anything to make me say "that's it, I'm done" or even close to it. The preview for next week's episode does promise to test the limits of my up-chuck reflex, however.
While I am rambling endlessly to no one in particular, I would like to kindly ask the information age to stop bastardizing the English language any more than it already has been through the years. Are we really going to allow ending sentences in prepositions to become grammatically acceptable? And I just read the other day the spelling of "bated" (as in "bated breath") was becoming interchangeable with "baited"! Madness! Anarchy, I say! My over-priced BA in English/Communications will not allow me sit idly by on this matter! No, I shall complain at great length, and very inadequately on my blog. Ha ha! Take that, masses!
bitch bitch bitch,
30 rock