welllll thursday.. was just a normal day of school.. got report cards..i went tanning.. and ya was pretty lazy the rest of the night! i watched ms. doubtfire..i forgot how good that movie is!
friiidayy<3 had school. subway! lol. danceteam practice. show @ bc.. i was laughing the whole time haha..and thenn me& peter went to the mall and had food and then we walked around there 4 a lil bit and then went 2 his house<3 and watched dumb& dumber.. my favorite!! then he took me homeee<3
YESTERDAY..was championships..went 2 einsteins& subway with colleen! haha..we're such fat asses! lol.. we bumped in 2 kelsey& kris10! hehe..nehoo then we went 2 school..practiced..and then headed 2 'I'town lol we had the best performance..wow.. it just felt soo good lol..we did it 4 JAN! lol god i love my team! but nehoo.. barron are the champions!!! 5-O; thats rightt :) thanks to everyone that came and watched us! <3 after the bus ride home.. we wen t2 TGIFridays..and then i came here with kelsey jackie& stephanie.. and then adina& ally came!! and then timmerman, packard, kyle L., bobby & devin..we just like listened 2 music/danced hah.. and sat by the fire.. i was so tired.. i was like passed out in the chair lol..everyone left @ like 1:30 i guess and i pretty much just slept thru the night!
2dayyy..jackie and kels r still sleepin..its already 10! oh geez..i duno what im doing..i'll keep u updated*
well heres some pictures, then im outiee<3
<3i love peter<3
- stay strong demos! -
the freshman!!
my trus!!!
O:) my loveer
our biggest fans!
number 1!!
thumbs uppp!
ChAMPiONS!! 5-O yay, i love you!