Nov 01, 2006 01:31
The average grade on the most recent Orgo test was a C-. I got a D.
I was only a half a stdev below avg. >:(
if i pass organic chem i will be damn lucky. premed premed premed.... why don't i double major instead? it would be so much easier than organic chem.
Which brings me to my next point: midcollege crisis
what do i want to do with my life? Be a medic of some sort or be a neuro/AI person?
option 1: Doctor- means more chem courses for premed stuff
option 2: neuro/AI- means i would try and double in EE
i dunno which i'd like better. i dunno which is gonna be harder. maybe i could do 5 yrs of undergrad and do both. but thats expensive.