May 01, 2007 09:18
When Abed-nego was a puppy and getting his last round of shots, the receptionist confused me with another client. She said I had canceled my appointment for that day, but I certainly had not. Another client in the waiting room said that she had canceled her appointment and her last name was Riden (rhymes with my name, Widen), but had to come in anyway for an emergency. When she got home from work, her dog couldn't walk and was crying. She was on the verge of tears and I felt badly for owning a puppy at time when she thought she possibly might have to put her dog down.
A few months later over winter break, I realized that she was assisting the professor in charge of my online J-term course. I sent her an email and asked her how things turned out with her dog. She said the dog was fine and had a blood clot, but now he is back to normal.
Yesterday while on a run at Wilcks Lake, we saw her walking her dogs. The dog who had been at the vet barked at Abed-nego and he barked back, but not a mean bark. More of a greeting, like they knew each other and understood what was going on. It felt like it all came full circle and was the ending of a cheesy movie. For some reason my life often seems like a movie. I was very happy to see the dog doing well and playing at the park. Funny how many times you can run into a person that you don't even really know.