I wish that getting a webpage up over spring break had worked out. I don't really have much of a place to store my pictures.
Chris made a flickr account, but I'd like a more organized way. Oh well, I guess I'll get a webpage up eventually.
Until then, I bombard you with photos.
We went to the park today.
It was warm and all was happiness.
And for a little while it felt like we were at Busch Gardens. I was too short to see the water the right way over top of the hand rail.
And now for some older animal photos.
Mr. Rufus being her cute self.
Abed-nego has a strange fascination with rubber duckies. Whenever we go home, he always steals my niece's. This one is a peep for Easter and was meant for Sydney's bath toy collection.
One of Abed-nego's favorite places... Looking out Christopher's bedroom window.
Mr. Rufus loves my shoes. She actually dragged them over there and rolled them around. She never goes after Christopher's shoes, but always mine.... every pair.
Abed-nego tries to convince Mr. Rufus to play with him by rolling on his back and giving her a toy. See, they get along fine. Usually.
This is my sister's dog, Arlington, at my parents' house.
The end!