Feb 13, 2007 15:05

FINALLY.....  IT'S HERE MY BIRTHDAY! I'm 18 watch out cuz now I'm legal :0] I had a good night last night adam gave me a card with $50 in it and a box of chocolates we had a good talk too, I missed him I'm used to seeing him almost everyday for the past 3 weeks and I havent hung out with him lately cuz of all the bullshit that happend but we're good again :0] I had a great day at school my cullinary class sang happy b-day to me and it was a good day until.... I got home and my mom was home and she usually doesnt get home til around 530-6 and she said she had bad news I thought she got laid off but she said my uncle Jimmy died and he just got saved on saturday so at least he's going to Heaven, his physcatic ex wife gave him a heart attack so he died in his sleep I dont wanna get into it, it's pretty fucked up I still have no phone no way of communicating with anybody besides online hope that doesnt get shut off I'd be screwed :0/ well.... I'm out

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