Is this for real?
The PETA letter PETA wrote to M. Moore: "Although we think that your film could actually help reform America’s sorely inadequate health care system, there’s an elephant in the room, and it is you. With all due respect, no one can help but notice that a weighty health issue is affecting you personally. We’d like to help you fix that. Going vegetarian is an easy and life-saving step that people of all economic backgrounds can take in order to become less reliant on the government’s shoddy healthcare system, and it’s something that you and all Americans can benefit from personally."
I guess whatever it takes to get his attention - shock him and he'll do a documentary on animal butchery? - but I'm amazed that fat-bashing is such an accepted sport in America. Meat is low carb and eaten via the Atkins method, it can make you lose weight, so I'm having a hard time making PETA's connection. Particularly given the moral foundation inherent in PETA, making a weight issue out of a formal letter is just strange as hell.