Okay. However is willing to help me. PLEASE DAMNIT!
http://www.jasonshankey.co.uk/ProductImages/ACFF1A.gif If you can, can you try to find me a razorblade like on Ebay or some auction site, please? It's not because I wanna cut, It's gonna resemble something for me...
Anyway. On to the real entry. Spring break is over. Mine sucked major ass. All I did was work. I'm going home today. I wanna live with Heathy. ;_; I hate my house. Anyway. Since I'm going home today, here's some pictures of Miyavi to excite you whores. I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO MY HIM LAYOUT, SWEETHEART! I fucking love heathy-chan. XD Anyway. I hope you all had a fun time reading my newly updated entries. for, today is another day, and today is the day I'm going back home to waste away again.
Anyway. Heathy-chan(Minako) Please come rescue me. Call me or something....
Guys who dress up like girls pleasure me. XD Especially this picture of Miyavi. HAWTNESS!!