warning:*wedding-centric post*

Aug 05, 2008 12:49

Today I got the day off from work spontaneously, as is prone to happen when sales are slow. I found myself using the morning as catch-up time, which included indulging in some wedding related reading. Throughout years, I cared little about etiquette in general. I see myself as being savvy enough not to need a set of "rules" to avoid offending anyone I really care about. However, I thought is prudent to read-up on what “the wedding rules” are before I decide to break them.

I learned a lot of obvious common-sense information and some unfamiliar bits too. Most of it so “proper” I had to roll my eyes. For instance I didn’t k now that it was considered unseemly to stipulate clothing preferences to your guests (such as “black tie” formal) or greedy to include your gift registry information on the invitations, or that you needed to send a separate invite to your single friends dates rather than just addressing the invitation to your friend “and guest”. Or that even having RSVP response cards included in the invite is considered “Lazy”. (Than why are there “bridal websites” that include gift registry links?) Keeping the invite simple and limited to the date, time and venue is fine; what I find silly is the statement that “A polite guest would *know* what type or attire to wear according to the time of day for which the wedding is set.’ (i.e. day time is less formal) or the statement that your single guests should “know” not to bring a date unless you ask them for said date’s mailing info. Or that everyone should “know” to reply in writing. There is so much misinformation out there, if I don’t know this stuff how am I to expect any one else to? If I come out and state desired attire, where people can buy us gifts (if they so desire) or let single people know its ok to bring a date (as we would if we invited them to any of our parties) then in doing so we’re tacky tacky tacky?!!! (smirk) This shit is too much!

In reading on, I genuinely was embarrassed to realize that I inadvertently “stiffed” more than one friend over the years by attending their weddings or showers without sending a gift or written reply to their invitation. (My gifts usually ended up being what cash I could afford to give and my rsvp was usually verbal or via email. Oh how rude am I?!) My momentary embarrassment aside, my friends (I hope) know me well enough not to be truly offended. Hell, most of my friends (like me) probably don’t really care about etiquette. So why am I trying to educate myself on such matters now? It just seems like the thing to do I guess...

I was amused by the stories of what “tacky brides” have done and had to laugh at some peoples ideas of what proper is in this book. All this is just fodder for my getting into the rite “head-space” to set a date and plan this beast! What really matters goes without saying…
Bill is the love of my life and what ever we do to proclaim, solidify and celebrate our life together will be exactly right for us. I’d like to find a great way to share it with my friends and family however, I’m realistic in knowing that I can’t please everyone. (*Shrug*)
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