My happy news

Jul 03, 2008 14:49

Bill and I are engaged! *jumps up and down* It happened a couple of weeks ago (June 18th to be exact) and I've been so busy with my mom, healing another broken ankle, work and spending quality time with my man, I haven't made much time for writing in a long while.
This last year has been packed full of action. Since July of 07 Bill has moved his mom to Hesperia and himself to Long Beach (first in his own place then moved in with me in March 08) changed Jobs twice (moving up) started shopping for his own home and had major dental work done. Since July of 07 I’ve had life-saving surgery gained 45lbs reduced my work schedule and began taking a caretaker role for my elderly mom. I’ve adopted Bill’s kitty Tabby who loves to eat and sleep like Garfield. I’m now prepping to provide my mom with full time assisted living care. Bill and I are co-searching for that home of our own, juggling many financial factors and I think I’m a little insane to put myself in the position of planning a wedding , transitioning a parent and buying a home at the same time! My mom’s situation is pressing on whether I help her or not so, that is indeed a priority. I have a feeling that buying a home will put stress on us financially but I also feel that the stress part will even out as soon as we are done moving.
As far as the wedding goes, I have given myself plenty of time. We have not set an exact date yet and I think that’s healthy for now. There is so much on our plates right now. Bill’s mom needs to move close by because she’s getting to an age where she needs help too. We both have a general idea that we’d like to be married by Halloween 2009 so that gives us anywhere from a year to 15months to get it all together. For the first time in my life, I feel like I can handle anything that comes at me. Bill is a big reason for that, he supports me in so many ways, spiritually and emotionally I’m even. I vent, but it’s ok. He allows me to be who I am flaws and all, and that freedom makes me strive to be a better person. I can’t even describe how much I love the man!
Any way even though we’ve given ourselves some time I thought I’d dink around on the net today and look at wedding related stuff. It’s just more fun for me right now. I’ve waited so long to find love that is real partnership and family synergy so I have to admit this stuff is always on my mind.

I hope I don’t become “bridal-ditzy” like some pregnant woman become “baby-ditzy”, anyone who has been there will know what I mean! LOL!
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