
Oct 19, 2006 01:50

ok so as much as i have tried to fight it....i am like in love with this guy from my work. but now the bad part...he has a gf and they have been dating for 5 years. ok like what the fuck how do i even begin to get around that one. so crush over right? afraid not.....cause every time i try to ignore him and not let it continue to make me crazy, he does something really cute. ok i might be over exaggerating but i feel like he is one of those guys you meet and you are instantly like whoa im in trouble..

ex. today he was at the top of the stairs and i was standing there and he was like hey....you need to come up here and see this sunset...its soo pretty
me: i cant i have to stay by the door (cause i have gotten in trouble for wandering recently muahahha)
him: o ok well ill take a picture of it for you..
...and he did.

ok im sorry but i cant help myself.... i just dont know what to do cause he makes an effort to talk to me but maybe its jut cause he is nice...all i know is that i am infatuated....there is not one thing i have come to dislike and i have never found that in a guy. james was a big thing but i hated his personality and in this case it is the opposite. i feel like nothing will ever happen and it will just be another thing i cant have....::sigh::
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