Jan 26, 2007 21:19
Well I finished up my first poem for creative writing. I'll post the finished piece and the unfinished piece when I have both in my hands.
Today was fun though. Brian and I played Gears of War for a few hours (On insane mode) and that was pretty fun. The poor guy though. He seems to be having relationship problems beyond his control and he didn't even start any of them. That combined with his living situation that he wants to get away from, school and a job that pays well it's just piling up onnthe poor guy. I would like for him to move in to my house. My parents wouldn't mind but I think he is unsure of himself. "But Joe" you ask "Why would you want to have him move in and why would he want to move in?" Well, you prying dickweed, I'll list some good/bad reasons.
For me:
Good reasons:
1: free X-box 360 and X-box live
2:Someone I consider close is close to me.
3: motivation in school (like hell he'd see me as a lazy bum)
4: flat out fun once in a while, the kid loves to talk I tell ya.
1: limited space, plus when he has his girlfriend over it may be a bit awkward if they want to stay, though I wouldn't mind giving up my room (no matter how stupid it is)
2: bed situations, we'll have to keep switching who gets the bed and we may have to wake up at different times which may be bad.
3: he requires food: As does any human being but he better not touch my damn soup.
4 Choo choo lungs: but that's more of a joke reason.
Good for him
1: some place to stay where he has no curfew
2: free Wii (when I get it)
3: My Parents like him.
4: Fooderz
5: closer to most places he goes to (ork school)
and whatever else I have that also applies to him.
1: girl friend situation I mentioned
2: space I mentioned
3: basically same as myself including some of his own personal deals.
But overall I think I could work out, we did with with two other people already. But I think he's just afriad that I'll find something out about him he doesn't want anybody knowing about. But frankly, though I have the same fear I don't mind. That's what pals are for, Keeping secrets with one another. PLus nothing scares me anymore.