Dec 24, 2003 22:20
::15 Random Favorites::
1. oRbit guM--especiaLLy the green and pink kind,they never run out of fLavor
2. mitsubishi 3000 GTs--hot caR,maybe somedaY iLL have one
3. forheaD kisses--they're comforting
4. lookinG @ pictures--i just think its cooL that a picture is an actuaL second of life that you have captured that you can look @ anytime
5. summeRs on the lakE--they the best,pLain and simpLe
6. anything *piNk--its my coLor
7. <-- that numbeR--aLways liked it dont even know why
8. when my room is cLean--just feeLs good
9. red skittLes--they taste the best.why dont they just get rid of the yellow ones?i swear no one likes them anyways
10. *liGhts--even tho they shouLdnt be a favorie
11. laughing--best feeLing
12. wearing no makeup--i wish i couLd do this aLL the time
13. listening to music whiLe im in the shower--even tho it aLways doubLes my shower time
14. singing to mariah carrey really loud in the car--its a girL thing
15.feeLing accomplished, comfortabLe, and/or confident
--doesnt happen too often, so when it does its good
[of couRse i wouLd expLain every reason why on this one]
::14 Favorite Foods::
1. mashed potatoes
2. chocoLate*
3. pumpkin piE
4. root beeR and creaM soda
5. carameL iced coffee
6. brownies
7. butternut squash
8. watermeLon sour patch
9. grannY smith appLes
10. subway meatball grinders and ch. chip cookies
11. blueberry pancakes
12. lo-mein
13. ziti w/ meaty sauce
14.strawberry miLk
::13 Most Watched Shows::
1. sister sister
2. music videos
3. thats so raven
4. reaL worLd
5. fuLL house
6. rich girLs
7. one on one
8. the parkers
9. seinfeiLd
10. stand up
11. steve harvey
12. lizzie mcguire
13. vicar of dibley
::12 Good Bands/Singers In Your Opinion::
2. trina
3. tracey chapman
4. lil kim
5. ani defranco
6. britney spears
7. dashboard
8. justin timberlake
9. the starting line
10. spice girLs
11. coheed
12. sugarcuLt
::11 Memories::
1. jackson browne concert
2. parking lot taLks-summer 2003
3. shah*BAM
4. bad thinGs that happen on waLks*
5. vinny veni vechi
6. brooke's graduation party.
7. roadtrips w/ jessie caH
8. friday the 13th @lizzies* J.E.M.
9. 7/20/02*
10. staGe ?
11. j.faYs partY this summaH
::10 Close Friends::
1. smeLLy meLLy
2. jenna faY
3. jessie giF
4. krist*E
5. LizZie
6. LajoYa
7. raE
8. david maiNviLLe
9. kathRyn marY
10. useD to be wickeD cLose...cLoseness misseD *
::09 Things You're Looking Forward To::
1. my 18th bday...71 daYs
2. THEN turning 21 !
3. finaLLy getting a fucking car
4. graduating
5. moving out
6. getting married, having babies and being a mom :)
7. traveLing
8. new years eve
9. finishing the entry
::08 Things You Wear Daily::
1. cape cod bracelet
2. ring...onLy cuz i cant get it off
3. undies or thonG
4. bra
5. perfuMe
6. make up
7. a necklace
8. earrings
::07 Things That Annoy You::
1. when your taLkin to someone and they arent listening
2. when i cant trust someone
3. when i get stuck behind a reaLLy sLow driver
4. the fact that i dont have a car
5. WCS' ruLes
6. that i have a curfew
7. when i cant find anything to wear
::06 Things You Touch Every Day::
1. my hair
2. the phone
3. the fridge doors
4. my radio
5. my toothbrush
6. everYthing...i aLways have to touch everything
::05 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over::
2. the other sister
3. save the last dance
4. stepmom
5. dirty dancing !
::04 Of Your Favorite Toys When You Were Little::
1. light bright
2. barbies
3. just pLaYing "house"
4. puzzLes
::03 People You have Kissed::
1. urbaY
2. mannY
3. deRek
::02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment::
1. hoteL--R keLLy ?
2. i dunno the hands are @ your throat and i think i hate you...untiL the daY i die
::01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With::
1. no cLue mom ? :)