"i wont take you for granted"

Jul 27, 2003 12:56

weLL meL is STILL asLeep, she sLeeps foreeeeeever !
but i just let her sLeep cuz if i wake her up
then shes in a bad mood, but if i let her sLeep and wake up on her own
then shes nice :) so there you go !

my parents had a big party for my grandparents last night
they turned 70*, they look so good too, especiaLLy for 70
my gram had these like cooL sungLasses on, shes so pretty
my gram and da are so cute together
but yeah it was nice, i think they liked it aLot
my cousin jamie was there w/ her boyfriend
and meL saw him out the window and she was like
"who izzzzzzah that?"
hes not like hot or cute, hes like....sexy.
...very sexy.
but hes my cousin's and pLus hes like 25 or 26 so thats a no for me
PLUS i like derek, so anyone eLse is outa the question !
[even you dave mainviLLe!] :)jus kiddin, weLL im not kidding but...yooou know wat i mean

dave MANviLLe actuaLLy came to visit me the other night
i toLd him to visit me "unexpectedLy" cuz im grounded
but my parents were being retarded, they wouLdnt lemme go outside and taLk to him
so we did aLittLe romeo and juLiet-ing
and he stood outside my window and taLked to me
my mom loves him--she thinks he is just "so funny"
shes aLways like, "jen, wat about dave mainviLLe?"
and i'm just like, mom we are JUST FRIENDS ! she doesnt get it tho
i asked her one time if dave couLd sLeepover cuz i had some friends over too
and my mom knows nothing wouLd ever happen w/ us if he did
but she was like no, and i was like why?
and shes like "cuz i know he wants to get w/ you, duh" dave was right there too
haha i thought it was kinda funny

speaking of my parents being retarded
me meL matt jamie liz and scotty were aLL over auntie kays
[she lives in the cottage right next to my house]
and we were pLaying asshoLe
and my mom came in and i had a cup of sour appLe vodka mixed w/ a wine cooLer [mmm? yes.]
and shes said i couLd onLy have wine cooLers but no like hard aLcohoL
i was like whaaaaaaaaa ?
as soon as she left i just took another cup tho
we so ummmm "did bad things that happen on waLks" [right joy?] w/ my uncLe...soooo funnY
ive never seen jamie drunk before either, it was kinda funny
she was teLLing me how i had a nice butt
and how she wanted it and i was like .... thanks ? :)

one time, me and joy were like trying on cLothes or something and--
joy: jen, i want your ass.
me: ????? [speechLess, wat the heLL was i supposed to say to that?]
me: ooooooh i gotcha now [few! ha]

thank you buns of steeL
you aLways puLL thru for me !

yeah but its def time to wake up meL up NOW
she doesnt need to sLeep for 12 hours in one day

ok i reaLLy need to go now
my brother and his horNy littLe friend
are running around my house w/ one of my thongs
so bye for now*

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