ahhh !!! :)

Jul 13, 2003 14:45

computer is fixed
now i can update.

i am so happy
i havent gotten to teLL most of my friends about him yet
weLL...his name is derek
and he is honestLy the sweetest thing
we have been friends since last summer
but he goes to coLLege down in fLorida during the year
so i didnt get to see him aLL year but hes back for the summer
pLus i didnt get to see for awhiLe b/c i wasnt home for a month
but we have been hanging out pretty much everyday
he kinda reminds me of my friend JM
JM is a kid i met @ camp like 2? 3? years ago
and i think JM is the kinda guy where if we lived near eachother
i couLd see him being like my best guy friend
like we just get aLong wicked good and hes wicked cooL
weLL thats wat derek is like except hes not onLy a wicked good friend
i like him too
but its so good cuz we have become such good friends
and THEN i started liking him
and i wasnt sure if he liked me @ first
but, ok so meL was sorta w/ this kid
but there was a probLem shes 16 and hes 24 so...
for obvious reasons they couLdnt date
weLL derek and nick are friends
and i guess derek like went to nick and was just like
-ya know i like jen but i dunno wat to do about the age issue
cuz derek is 22, and nick had been in the same exact situation w/ meL
and nick was just like, i know its hard..
but eventuaLLy your jus gonna break down
you just cant heLp it, you like her, you cant just stop liking her
but yeah,so now we both know we both like eachother
but i honestLy wanna taKe everything so sLow w/ him
cuz it wiLL be so much better that way
me and meL were taLkin about it Last nite cuz
last nite derek was over w/ meL and kathryn
and me and him stayed up and taLked tiLL 5am outside
[[wait!--best part:he lives RIGHT down the road from me, like 1 minute away]]
he had to work @ 830 so i was finaLLy like, you need to go to sLeep
but i couLd seriousLy taLked to derek FOREVER
i love just taLking to him
cuz he is so funny
and he is just reaL
and hes so damn cute :)
oh yeah but me and meL were taLkin about like me and derek
and i was saying like how i cant wait to just kiss him
and shes like, oh just wait, it wiLL be so good cuz you waited so long
and i understand exactLy wat she means
its goin to mean so much, like i smiLe thinking about it
and i dunno i just love hanging out w/ him
he gets mondays and tuesdays off every week
cuz hes a lifeguard in dougLas
so tomorrow hes gonna teach me how to wakeboard
him and his friend jay are SOO good
they taught meL last week
but i didnt go cuz my "things" werent totaLLy heaLed
and they hurt but now they are better so im good to go

tonite..i finaLLy get to see him play too!
hes in a band and he sings and pLays the guitar
and he has suCH a good voice
he gave me 2 of his cds
and they are SO good
i listen to them aLL the time
my mom heard him and she was like, wow he has such an amazing voice
and i just like...i know :)
and last nite we were taLkin about something
and he started saying how one of his songs talks about wat we were talking about
and he started explaining like wat the songs means and everything
hes just so cute and we sOo much in common
we are so much aLike
we taLk about it aLL the time its kinda funnY
but ok ok enough about derek

i am getting so tan
its crAzy ~ i love it !

oh yeah one more thing...more of a probLem
ok so last week me meL and kathryn met these guys out on the lake
frankie, jeff, and bobbY
that night we went to uxbridge fireworks w/ them
it was fun, and meL and bobbY kinda had a little thing goin on
weLL bobbys been over my house like every nite since
hanging out w/ us but mostLy to see meL
which is totaLLY fine w/ me cuz they like eachother and hes cooL etc.
except meL had to work yesterday
and he wanted to come over
so he came over whiLe meL was @ work..he asked meL first dont worry
but so me him and kathryn aLL went tubing
now bobby is very good looking--keep that in mind
he was having so much fun tubing it was hiLarious
but he was fine whiLe the 3 of us were hanging out
then we went to pick up meL and we came to my house
--earLier on the boat bobby says to me
you hey you wanna go to the beach tomorrow
so i was like yeah yeah thatLL be fun w/e
thinking like meL wouLd be coming too like a group of ppL were going
then after we get back to my house, meLs in the shower
hes like so when we gonna leave tomorrow
and he kinda said it in like a jus me and him way
which confused me, so i was like wait whos goin
and hes like just me, you and my 2 brothers their wicked cooL bLa bLa bLa
so i was so confused, like the kid is trying to get me to go to the beach w/ him
behind my friends back...and he thinks
1. i wouLd do that ?
2. meLs not gonna find out ?
he toLd me to caLL him by 12 last nite...i def didnt caLL him
i dunno wat hes trying to puLL or w/e but like yeah hes cooL
i wouLd hang out w/ him but not like ... i dunno

eh...nothing eLse important that i wanna taLk about
except that, ashton kutcher is bangabLe and i want him
and if you havent seen "just married"... see it
i think its soo funnY

those are my random thoughts for the day-

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