Jun 22, 2003 02:36
i have been so busy lately
i havent had the time to update
weLL iLL jus taLk about tonite
or today
or both
so me and jenna woke up this morning and we ate breakfast
then she got ready and i went tanning
when i got back we both went to subway ate lunch
then went back and i got ready
then me her and KRiNa went to paNera and got some food
came back to jennas
then me and jenna went to visit jes gif cuz she was bbsitting her niece
then we went out to weBDA and picked up joy
then aLL the girLs met @ jennas
it was me,jenna,krist,sam,joy,jes gif,jes gon, and lindsay
then we aLL went out to WPI cuz joy knows this kid dan
and there was a frat party
so we went to that
krist,jes and jes,and sam couLdnt stay long tho
but there were Lots of hot guys
i can not WAIT to go to coLLege
you dont even know
so me joy jenna and linds stayed
jenna drank too much and like passed out on one of the couches
i was d.d. so i couLdnt drink
ive never been d.d. before so...we wiLL say it was an experience
obviousLy...it sucked but hey someone has to do it
but we left @ like 1
i had to bring joy home and then i dropped off linds
meanwhile jenna is stiLL passed out in the backseat
her parents caLLed on the way home but i didnt know wat to say
so i didnt pick it up
we just got back like 15 minutes ago
they are asLeep
but jenna is prob gonna get "taLked to" in the morning
we wiLL see
i actuaLLy feLt good tho, being d.d. cuz i dunno
i just did :) i dont have to expLain myseLf !
so yeah i think im gonna go to bed now
i had fun tonite tho, there was some ppL i knew from webster there too
they graduated awhiLe ago but i was like heeey
there was hardLy any girLs there which is the way i like it
i dont like aLotta girLs
but yeah aLL the guys were wicked nice
some of them too nice but thats ok
i had fun, theres gonna be another one next friday
thats supposed to be reaLLy big
so we are goin to that
weLp im goin to bed now
maybe iLL write again tomorrow
prob not but JUS maybe
ok gooDNite *
--j D. e D. n
p.s. kristie - 5 vinny . that seems to be my MaGiC #
besides 27 of couRse :)