May 25, 2003 15:06
wow, i havent reaLLy updated in a wicked long time
actually i did once and then it didnt woRk
so i wasnt gonna write it all again
i am so gLad we have a looooNg weekend !
its been reaLLy good
i LoVE it when michael is gone
my mom is sooo cooL
and everything is gooooD.
im in such a good mood right now
i love it !
lets see...
i'm gonna try to summarize very briefLY
of wat ive done since my last entry
im just gonna go by my schooL pLanner
cuz i write everything down in there
so..aLL the way back to the 12th ?
12•mun•day jenna slept over so we couLd
"work out our correspondense course"
that was a joKe ...
13•tooZ•day jus reg stuff like schooL
14•weNz•day buNs of steeL * [dont laugh]
15•theRz•day me jenna and jes hung out[went to BK]
then we went to harrys, then we picked up dave*
and then we went to jennas and went in the hot tuB
then krist came over and then rae came over alittle later
h o t t u b p a R t A y ! ha..
it was fun, then i sLept @ raes
16•fRy•day NO s c h o o L ! [cuzza prom ]
me and rae went and saw matRix reLoaded
then we went to brookes after prom party
me rae andrew and brooke were the onLy ones
that stayed up aLL nite
we went in the cuzzi for like 5 hours
[i dont think we would have been in there @ all
..if we had seen wat was in it
the next morning in the light tho..ew*]
then -technicaLLy saturday- we went to bickforDs
it was fun but the food was nAsTy !
17•sadEr•day me rae and krist made a run to CVS
and i saw tim freitss [sp?] i hadnt seen him for awhiLe
so that was neat to taLk to him
then i went w/ rae to jaNets to bbsit
even tho i didnt bbsit i passed out on the tabLe
and sLowLy after, made my way to the couch
i was so deaD. then i went to raes and my mom picked me up
i couLdnt do anything that nite cuz i had to bbsit
ben and keL for my mom so jenna and meL sLept over
we just acted dumb and fiLmed ourseLves bein stupid
it was wicked funny ! meL is soo funny
i miss hanging out w/ her aLot like last summer
so this summEr wiLL be fun ! but every summer i always
only hang out w/ my weBster friends
this cant happen and is not gonna happen this summer
cuz i have come to love my wcs SiStaS :)
18•soN•day linnea stopped by cuz she was in the STaTe
then me and meL went to raes house and picked her up
then we drove to brookes and hung out w/ her and britany
we jus went swimmin and in the hot tub and ATE ! [wats new!]
they're so nice i hadnt really hung out w/ jus them before
they are cooL and we just taLked about ... StuFF :)
--rae punched me for .. something too !! now she knows
i was goin to teLL her sooner or Later i jus didnt wanna teLL her
just inCase she like, ya know, punched me or something like that !
19•mun•day B.o.S. and i went swimming !
it was freezing but i feLt soo good !
20•tooZ•day bbsit ben and keL..hit up kmArt w/ ben...bout it
oh yea, today would have been me and mannys 11th month mArk
isnt that weiRd ? its jus weiRd to think that
we would have been together for e l e v e n months
i mean thats a long time ! .. to me anyways
not that long relationships arent good or anything
if they are heaLthy, then they are gooD.
21•weNz•day my bRothA [joSh] comes hoMe
and... B.o.S.
22•theRz•day me and jenna fAy went to prov pLace maLL
i got 2 NEW BATHING SUITS..not like i need them or anything
cuz i aLready have like 20 miLLion
but yea i got those and i got a tube top, and eLvis shiRt
and some cute caPris and a ring and some braceLets.
then we went hoMe, taLked to jiM for alittle bit
then we went to bed .
23•fRy•day no schooL for the juNioRs !
me and jenna made a little stop @ BK before we went to schooL
then we aLL went to Quabbin reS. for the day
it was kinda weirD being in the town of -waRe-
cuz thats where my reaL dad lives and like i dunno
it was weiRd knowing that he was onLy like 5 minutes away
from where we were..and i havent seen him in like 2 years
maybe made me want to go visit him..but i dunno maybe.
it was shitty weather but me and jenna had our pOnchoS
so we were A-ok ! as the annoying giRl @ mcDonaLds would say...
it was fun tho, @ least i had fun .
then after we got back i went home and jus hung out till my mom got home
then i drove out to RaEs house and me her and jes went to china P
then jenna came to china p cuz she had to teLL us about her...nite :)
i am so happy for her, jaKe seems like a wicked nice kid
pLus from wat ive heaRd hes absoluteLy georgous
like jenna joy and jes said he is the hottest guy
they have EVEr seen
so thats sooooo good for jenna !
ok so, then after eating our nasty food we went to Raes
and we "went to bed" and whiLe we were sLeepin we just
magicaLLy wound up @ rizzos house.
now how did that happen ???
haha so we hung out there for awhiLe and chiLLed
dave was so dRunk it was wicked funny
i was so gLad i got to see hiM *
24•saDer•day me jes rae and jenna went to get breakfast @ peGs diner
they have such good food mmm...
then drove home and got ready and cLeaned my room
so that i couLd be ready when allison and jes got to my house
but was i reaDy ? no ! our couRse not . jen, ready, on time ?
so they came over and we went on a shopping spree in my room/cLoset
and we made jessie giffoRd look like a sLut
no im just kidding she thought she looked like a sLut for some reason
but shE DIDNT !
anyways then we went to allisons and then we went to jennas
me and jenna have been cLoser friends lateLy its a good thing
i cant wait for summer ! ahhh its killing me
then me and jes went to rizzos house and hung out for a bit
then we aLL left and went to the movies to see BruCe aLmighTy
or aLmightY bRucE as jenna wouLd caLL it .
i liked it aLot it was reaLLy funny
then we aLL went to back to rizzos and hung out
me dave zach and amy were pLayin this game
and i was doin good @ first but then i started to suck
BUT toNITe me and amy are gonna KICK ASS !
ok wow, this is wicked long
and im sorry to all of you who are reading this
i hope i didnt boRe you too too much
but now i feeL better
not that im aLL caught up
thank God for my pLanner.
ok im doNe.
whooP whoOp !
jEssIegifF: i was walking out of the crystal mart and i tripped over this door stop
jEssIegifF: i felt like SUCH an idiot. but not as much as after i got in the car and put it in drive instead of reverse
jEssIegifF: i started rolling forward and i was like "fuck!"
jEssIegifF: tried to play it cool...but it was probably pretty obvious im a dorK
haha she acuaLLy made me LOL
she actuaLLY made me LAUGH OUT LOUD !
ÇhëéÿàáâãäZ !