Dec 04, 2005 10:33
so this weekends been pretty chill. idk nothin specail. went to angies on friday w/ rob and kimberly, always a good time. we drank champagne and played a boardgame. mad fun mad fun:)
um yesterday was good too. slept till 12! gotta love that. then just chilled and ppl came to the house. i love havin a full house. anyways today was chill went to church, to the diner, and then came home and chilled. then went to taco bell w/ zack, kimberly, and their entertaining.
now im just chillin. kimberlys watchin the gingerbread house funny is that?!
im crackin up and she's like talkin. god she cracks me up:) yo no one wants to hire me!!! it sucks soooo bad, im gonna have to go put applications at mc'donalds and wendys now....ass son ass.
anyways thats it for now... im tired so bye.