Jan 16, 2012 09:53
Dear Livejournal,
Im alive from the dead. Im sorry I lost touch and Im sorry for so many posts I with held the truth, scared of my exboyfriends reading it.
But here I am. Its 2012 and I am battling Seasonal Affective Disorder again, like every damn year on repeat. I was holding up fine probably because it didnt snow until mid january. Its like I almost escaped the winter, but she found me. The blistering cold windy snow came knocking on my door with a vengeance. I half believed I was PMSing and thats why I was seriously considering killing my boyfriend over something insignificant. But it wasn't just hormones, its my inability to cope with the fact I cant lay in the sun or run outside. I feel sheltered basically cabin fever. To deal with my SAD Im going to lj it and remember to keep a positive attitude among this shit weather.
today I have off from work, thank god for MLK and equality. Im going to stop by my mothers and do laundry, try to make an appointment to get my Jennifer Aniston bangs, and go for a run at the gym. Ideally I'll see Raz today and I wont hate him, like I hve all weekend. But today I do feel good.