Sep 24, 2008 13:54
I’m gonna go with my first well and truly cognizant memory here, because I have a few in the beginning. Whole bible rap, know what I mean? Light, smells, sounds…Mom, Dad, feelings and snippets. My first full memory, though, something I recall mostly completely? Happened when I was four.
My first memory is of blood. Drinking it.
Okay, I’m a freak, I’m a psycho, ew ew ew, get it off, she’s a maniac…I know. Get it out of your system. I was FOUR. Deal.
It was breakfast time, and I was eating Cream O’ Wheat with strawberries, my favorite. Yes, I’m a dork. Again: Deal, I was FOUR. Granddad was next to me, reading his paper and keeping an eye on me as I fed myself. This is code for get everything EVERYWHERE, but I was stubborn. I wanted to do it, damn it.
Anyway, phone rang so he went to answer, and he left his breakfast nearby on the table.
A few things to know. One? His breakfast is a unit of plasma, usually from a coffee mug. Two? I could get out of my own crib by the time I was two. High chairs, booster seats, and everything big and meant to keep me put was nothing for me to get out of.
So I crawled out of my booster seat, stood on the chair, and picked up Granddad’s mug for a taste of his blood.
I grew up in a vampiric home. If you stop to consider this? My interest really wasn’t that unusual. AJ is constantly trying to have some of whatever I’m eating, to be like mommy. It’s a developmental thing. Curiosity, emulating adults…it’s a normal, healthy thing.
For me? Drinking blood was, is, and always will be normal. Just like Mommy scrying for her lost car keys will always be normal to AJ.
Nurture, not nature…this is how we define our world. And in my world at four years old, all the cool people were drinking blood. So there.
Muse: Rian Baxter
Fandom: Original Character
Words: 335
tm: challenges,
verse: any,
theatrical muse