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Comments 41

iknowyourfear November 18 2010, 15:07:46 UTC
Character Name: Terrance Ward, AKA Trauma
Permission to identify your powerset? Y.
Permission to temporarily nullify your powerset? Y, but discuss it first.
What powers do you have and, if possible, how do they work? Terry is a combination of mind-reader and shapeshifter. Basically, he mind-reads your fear and then changes into it. His mind-reading is limited to fears only-- which means robots and the like are exempt from his powers. People truly without fears are also immune. Additionally, his power is reigned in entirely by his own will power. If crowds panic around him or someone is feeling very strong fear, then his power becomes more difficult to control. He has been known, in the past, to accidentally transform under these circumstances or even when he's provoked to anger. He's almost immortal, as a result of his demon heritage.
What kind of info might the World's Greatest Detective be able to dig up on you? He is the half-demon son of Marvel supervillain Nightmare. He was in the City once before, but doesn't remember it, and ( ... )


noelleno November 18 2010, 15:19:05 UTC
Character Name: Jaime Reyes | Blue Beetle
Permission to identify your powerset? Y
Permission to temporarily nullify your powerset? IF...he has something like an EMP shooter or something.
What powers do you have and, if possible, how do they work? Scarab/Scarab suit: artificial intelligence that does all sorts of things. Hacking, tracing, scanning, flying, shooting, enhanced strength, space-safe travel, rocket backpack...LOTS OF THINGS...it's all centralized in Jaime's spine and comes creepering out of his skin when needed.
What kind of info might the World's Greatest Detective be able to dig up on you? (personal/professional affiliations, past exploits in the City, alter-egos if made public, etc.) His real name linked to being the Blue Beetle (lol what security), his affiliation with the Titans, having hacked the porter at one point, having blown up at least 3 times for assorted heroing reasons...
Anything else? Jaime is totally a fan. An intimidated, slightly jaded (HOW MANY BATMEN, CITY...) fan.

Character Name: Zelgadis
... )


edited to..... make sense bedeviledspider November 18 2010, 15:27:21 UTC
Character Name: Reilly Tyne/Darkdevil
Permission to identify your powerset? Sure thing!
Permission to temporarily nullify your powerset? Discuss it first, please.
What powers do you have and, if possible, how do they work? SO MUCH TL;DR AHEAD AUGH I APOLOGIZE There are the spider-powers: wallcrawling, spider-sense, and super strength. The senses are (at least imo) a form of very limited precognition and can be easily disabled via chemical gases or injections (or in one weird Spidey story, toothpaste). Same goes for the wallcrawling, to an extent. It's a lot harder for Reilly to do when drugged. As for the demonic powers... they include his demonic form and pyrokinses. He used to be able to teleport but he lost that ability in the City. Of note is a) that the demonic form is Reilly's "true" form and b) the demonic powers are what keeps him alive.
What kind of info might the World's Greatest Detective be able to dig up on you? (personal/professional affiliations, past exploits in the City, alter-egos if made public, etc.) Well there's ( ... )


purmoncul November 18 2010, 15:50:24 UTC
Character Name: Sirius Black
Permission to identify your powerset? Y
Permission to temporarily nullify your powerset? I haven't read the latest stuff, but would it more sense if Bruce was able to make himself immune to magic, rather than nullify Sirius's ability to do it? Let's talk.
Oh, he can totally turn off the flying motorbike, though.
What powers do you have and, if possible, how do they work? LIGHTENING-BOLT LIGHTNING-BOLT LIGHTNING-BOLT! Er, I mean. Sirius has the ability to affect the word around him with his willpower, and has learned to channel that ability in to specific effects with the help of tools like a wand, incantations and so forth.
What kind of info might the World's Greatest Detective be able to dig up on you? (personal/professional affiliations, past exploits in the City, alter-egos if made public, etc.) Anything in Sirius's city history should be fine, he's by no means a technowhiz when it comes to locking his converstaions, save for his "mirror" conversations with James, since those are...not actually ( ... )


wantsapprentice November 18 2010, 16:33:18 UTC
Character Name: Slade
Permission to identify your powerset? Y.
Permission to temporarily nullify your powerset? Yes, but discuss it first.
What powers do you have and, if possible, how do they work? Like his comics counterpart, Slade is a super-soldier. Enhanced strength, reflexes, senses, recovery, etc. He also the demonic fire that Trigon granted him in Season 4. It's demonic so there is a supernatural aspect to it -- essentially he can create an unlimited amount of fire and control it.
What kind of info might the World's Greatest Detective be able to dig up on you? (personal/professional affiliations, past exploits in the City, alter-egos if made public, etc.) I direct you here for a bunch of tl;dr on his exploits in the City (as he's been around since February 2009). Most recently, he was involved in the Major's brainwashing plot, during which he nabbed Dick Grayson, brainwashed him, and had him impale Jason Todd with a spear after blowing up all of Jason's stuff. He also had Ghost (now de-Ported) hack Oracle's systems and ( ... )


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