[1] Livejournal Layout

Sep 30, 2006 04:27

[1] Kingdom Hearts II/Final Fantasy VII Livejournal Layout

Features Cloud Strife. Can be used by Free users.

Look under cut for more info.

Style: S1 Generator
Website: Yes. If you have no website, just put the URL of your journal in there
Resolution: 800 x 600+
Browser: IE and Firefox


LIVE Preview (for limited time only)

Custom Colors:

Page Text: #000000

Every other box is empty.




LASTN_DATE_FORMAT=>%%monlong%% %%dd%%, %%yyyy%%


http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/4034/cloudheaddt4.png" WIDTH=700 HEIGHT=492 BORDER=0 USEMAP="#imgmap">

http://yourusername.livejournal.com/profile" title="Profile">
http://yourusername.livejournal.com" title="Recent Entries">
http://yourusername.livejournal.com/friends" title="Friends">
http://www.livejournal.com/friends/add.bml?user=yourusername" title="Add">
http://www.yourwebsite.com/" title="Your Website Title">




FRIENDS_DATE_FORMAT=>%%monlong%% %%dd%%, %%yyyy%%


http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/4034/cloudheaddt4.png" WIDTH=700 HEIGHT=492 BORDER=0 USEMAP="#imgmap">

http://yourusername.livejournal.com/profile" title="Profile">
http://yourusername.livejournal.com" title="Recent Entries">
http://yourusername.livejournal.com/friends" title="Friends">
http://www.livejournal.com/friends/add.bml?user=yourusername" title="Add">
http://www.yourwebsite.com/" title="Your Website Title">


Direct linking of the images is allowed. Or you can upload them to your own host.

Remember to change 'Yourusername'.

Please leave all credits in place.
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