Simple Coloring Tutorial for GIMP

Sep 01, 2006 18:24


Simple Coloring Tutorial


. Please do not copy this tutorial word for word. Be creative!
. Do not hotlink any of the images
. This should be translatable for other programs...
. Comments are much appreciated
. I'd love to see what you do! :)
. Icon is snaggable. Please credit crusade_icons

Start with your base (by ???):

Sharpen to the extent you want.

Duplicate Layer and Desaturate it. (Layer->Colors->Desaturate) Set to 'Soft Light' at 100%

Create a new layer and fill with #ffbe7e. Set to 'Overlay' at 100%

Create a new layer and fill with #274f91. Set to 'Overlay' at 84%

Flatten Image. Duplicate Layer. Set to 'Multiply' at 64%

I forgot to make an image for this one.XD

Add any Text/Brushes/etc. (The brush I'm using is by wonderland__)

Flatten Image (if not flattened already). Create a new layer and fill with #FFFFFF. Select All, then go to Select->Shrink->3px and then press CTRL+X (Edit->Cut). Create a new layer and fill with #000000. Select All, then go to Select->Shrink->1px and then press CTRL+X (Edit->Cut).

If you are confused with that last part, please tell me.

And there you go! :)

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