(no subject)

Feb 05, 2007 21:44

So, life is actually going pretty well for me lately, despite all the problems I've run into. School sucks sometimes, but it's usually pretty ok. My cat, Skittles died last week, but I've really been ok. I was sad for a while about it, but I've kind of become immune to death, as bad as that sounds. There's been so much death in my life this past year that I am to a point where I get sad, angst a bit, cry, and then I get over it and move on. I have to, or else I'd be a really depressed person, and I can gladly say I've never been a depressed person. Thank god I don't listen to emo music. That would just be the icing on the figurative cake of my life this past year.

I saw Adrienne, Amy, Kathleen, and Victor this weekend. We hung out some, ate crêpes and flambé, both quite delicious. I got to pour the Cointreau for the flambé before KG lit it on fire. It was awesome! Anyway, we also saw Pan's Labyrinth. It was good, but not what I expected. I mean, I kind of knew that it wouldn't be a kid's happy movie, but I didn't expect all the blood. Poor Kathleen. She and I were sitting there hiding our eyes at one really gross point in the movie. God, it was terrible. It was like a train wreck, I just couldn't stop watching. Anyway, it was good, though, so I do recommend everyone see it. Last weekend, Victor came into town, also, and we ate dinner at Hobbit (delicious) and went to see Smokin' Aces. That movie was a disappointment. I thought it was going to be really good, but it ended up being... not. I don't know what it was. The acting was ok, and there were funny moments, but the plot was lacking and the violence was just overwhelming.

Victor and I have come to the conclusion that one of us in the group has to have a boyfriend and it's apparently my turn to take one for the team. More on this later.

Victor's buying me a black '67 Impala for Valentine's Day. Ok, not really, but wouldn't that be awesome? I would kill for that car.

So, I'm all caught up on Supernatural now and I can actual start watching it in real time if I wanted to. Mostly, what will happen is that I will record it and watch it on Fridays since it's on at the same time as Grey's, which is such a guilty pleasure. I don't like most of the characters (though I love love love McSteamy, Addison, Karev, and Callie for absolutely no reason), but I watch it anyway because I can't stop watching.

I'm supposed to be working on a response paper for Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man and studying for a polisci test tomorrow, but I'm not. I really should though. Luckily, I'll have time to come home and take a quick nap before I have to start writing my paper due on Wednesday. It's so weird. Suddenly, I have actual work to be done rather than just reading for my classes. Such is the life of an English major... I really should get to those...

I'd swim across Lake Michigan
I'd sell my shoes
I'd give my body to be back again
In the rest of the room

To be alone with you
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