Thanksgiving fun

Nov 27, 2006 10:19

So, thanksgiving is over. I'm sad, but I'm also excited about only one week left of school and everyone coming back home in a few weeks. Why doesn't school just end at Thanksgiving? I think that would be quite nice. This week is going to be hell. I have a paper due tomorrow, two due by midnight Friday, a test Wednesday, and two tests Thursday.

I had an hour and a half of sleep last night. Needless to say, I'm exhausted, and I have a paper to write tonight. Fuuuunnnn.

Thanksgiving was fun. Tuesday night, I went to Adrienne's when she got in. A little while after, we went to Kathleen's house so they could watch Gilmore Girls and we could wait for Kacie's flight to get in. I read TV Guide magazine about Bones instead. Good article. David Boreanaz wears lovely socks. Anyway, Kacie got home around 1:30. We went over to her house for about half an hour and then went home. The next day, I went shopping with Victor, went home and watched Strangers With Candy, and then we went to Starbucks near the Galleria, albeit briefly, ran into Camila there, went to Ihop with Kacie, KG, Amy Hirsch, Victor, Mark, Anais (KG's little sis), and Abby (Amy's little sis). It was a fun time. We were quite loud and everyone probably hated us. Oh, well! Thursday was Thanksgiving. I went over to my aunt and unlc'es hosue for dinner around 1 or so. I visited with family and puppies and that was about it. Friday I went and bought birthday presents for Amy and Kathleen for our joint birthday party later that night. Now that was a fun time. We (Kacie, Adrienne, Victor, Mark, Amy, KG, briefly Andrea) went to Los Tios for dinner (neither Andrea nor Mark joined us for this) and then went to KG's for games, cake, presents, and Ellen watching (one of my gifts). It was a ton of fun, as is usually the case when we get together. I got great presents, too. Saturday, I spent most of the day lounging around the house. At night, I went and picked up Kacie and we went out to Sugarland to feed my sister's pets. That was a fun time. Then, we met Victor at House of Pies for dinner (I wish I were eating some House of right now...). After, Kacie and I went to pick up Mark (we had to wait a bit, so we played on the swings across the street) while Victor picked up Amy. We watched an episode of South Park at Kacie's (the one where Jennifer Lopez is on Cartman's hand). That damn song is stuck in my head, thanks Kacie! We also watched some fantastic youtube videos including but not limited to:

So odd. Then, we met KG and her sister at Edward's for a viewing of Casino Royale. What can I say about that movie... It was fantastic. Really, one of the best Bond movies ever. And I was a bit skeptical about Daniel Craig before I saw it, but let me just say, I was so very wrong. He was an amazing Bond. I'd like to see it again perhaps. Anyway, I spent most of my time over this break watching movies or hanging out with friends, which is what usually happens when the kids are in Houston. Oh, how I missed House of Pies... I really should go more often. I do live here, after all.

Anyway, I think that's about all I have to say for now. I'm really tired and contemplating not going to Global Climate Change because I'll just fall asleep. It's a pretty boring class, and the professor is a pretty boring guy. It's really too bad. The class had so much potential for being interesting... Oh, well.

thanksgiving, the kids, school

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