so. i'm bored. bordom usually leads to me doing stupid stuff. like right now...
The Whovian Friending Meme!
Basically, with Torchwood about to start up again, the Sarah Jane Adventures in full swing, and with only t-minus 7 days till Voyage of the Damned, the Who-verse fandom is very ASD;FLKHAS;DLKFJSADFL;J at the moment. LOADS of new people have joined the various fandoms thanks to American, Canadian, and Australian exposure, so why not have every meet in one place and discover new friends!
Tis simple. Copy/Paste the stuff below, fill in your answers, wait for the friending to start. But most of all, you need to pimp the hell out of this, as it's the only way it will work (especially in the SJA fandom...I can let the newsletter know but I'm not in any of the communities.)
if i see any flame shipping wars start, i'll turn this car back around. also, i know that there's a
Doctor Who friending meme going on right now (look at that pimp) but the more the merrier. plus, this is for everyone!
Name:Age:Location:Doctor Who, Torchwood, or Sarah Jane Adventures?:Favorite Character(s):Favorite Ship(s):Favorite Episode(s)Other Fandoms:Post a fun picture here (cat macros, screen shots, etc etc GO NUTS)