it's gareth david-lloyd's birthday!!! so in the same spirit of that as one john barrowman, i come to you with a birthday pic!spam for the masses. it may not be as big as john's (since john has been around for ages and gareth a few), but i'll still be fun to look at. so without further ado, i give you...
The Gareth David-Lloyd Pic!Spam of Sexy!
aka not just your average tea-boy spam of teh hottness.
there shouldn't be any spoilers in this, unless you haven't gotten through torchwood yet. and if you haven't, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!??! ahem. and for the love of god do NOT HOTLINK THESE PICTURES!!! i really don't want my personal photobucket to go essplodey.
Gareth David-Lloyd as Gareth David-Lloyd
Gareth David-Lloyd in Random TV Shows/Theater
Gareth David-Lloyd as Ianto Jones
still love this picture.
*is ded*
and of course, what no ianto pic!spam would be without...
SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY GARETH!!! You're absolutely adorable and I'm so glad they decided not to kill off Ianto :)
image credit:
GDL Web (for about 90% of the images)
Nik_Doof (for one of the shots of Gareth at the Collectormania)
ruthybee (same)
rivier (for the shot of Gareth at the MCM Expo)
lixa-turnerspaceygal64 (for the theater pics)
monkeyqueentart (for the "The Bill" pics)
bigtitchVarious Web and News sources
note: if i used one of your personal pictures from a convention/expo and you would like me to take it down, PLEASE LET ME KNOW and i'll happily take it down. i found the pictures at GDL web and figured it would be alright, but if you have a problem with it PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know. i don't want to link anyone's personal pictures that would rather me not. :)
also, if you see a picture up there that you personally capped, let me know so i can give you the credit. i believe i got everyone, but i may have overlooked something :)