its been forever

Jan 26, 2006 09:59

ok so this is pretty much just gunna be a list of things that have happened in the past month or so, i havent updated here in forever mainly because Im always on myspace when I ever am on the comp now.

School wise:

Pretty much done, I have two classes this semester only on mondays, I didnt get my internship i was working on all break because their management decided to change the entire layout of the internship and screw me over, Im taking my production class again, and all is well for graduating again. 3 months left, and Im excited as all hell and scared to death.

Work wise:

worked like mad crazy all break, literally didnt start my real break until 2 weeks before school was starting again,we worked every holiday ouch tiredness, we had inventory on top of the holiday mad crazy ass shoppers and it was hell. now the hours are cut again and my checks will be back to pretty much nothing ah the life of retail :P

Relationship wise:

Perfect as ever! were almost at the two year mark and going strong, its amazing...we went to an auction over break and he got a new car, now we can both drive places!!! its exciting!!! black 99 cougar, sitck, v6, hkott car i tell ya. And in three semesters he should be at sac state! Im hoping so.

Everything else wise:

we had a mini xmas with our friends form work it was really fun , we baked a cake and made lil snacks at andrews. We also went to whitneys and made gingerbread houses!! they rocked we spent 100 bucks on candy, talk about sugar rush! Then actual xmas was crazy as hell, 3 familys in 2 days just kills ya on the sleep especially when you work too. and we got to hav a lil xmas day with asia and travis which was totally fun!! I got a ton of stuff for moving out from anthonys family and mine.

the plan is to move out like right after i graduate, get a new car, and we still wanna go to disneyworld hella bad!!! but anthony also turns 21 that summer, and i have to find a job somehow even though i have no idea what i wanna really do yet. umm yah thats pretty much it for now, kinda boring i know :P


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