May 27, 2009

May 27, 2009 08:26

Today I am 24!

Last night I mourned the end of 23. Yet my attachment was more to the number's aesthetic appeal than the age itself. Symbolically, this birthday concludes the arc set in motion two years ago when I left, enjoyed, despaired, and returned home. Much was sundered; a comparable amount was sown.

I requested today off, so the daytime hours remain open for solitary enjoyment (the plan is to read, open Mom's parcel, drink iced coffee in Clark Park, draw, etc). Tonight, I'll celebrate with work and Mawrtyr friends. They are very generous to attend on a Wednesday. J is beyond generous to host.

There is not much news besides. All's well in the spheres of work and love. I recently reread Ulysses and continue to ponder the various characters, philosophies, and episodes of Irish politics & history netted in the text. Pseudo-Denis the Areopagite's De Divinis Nominibus and A. Blunt's Borromini are good reads, too. Z, N, and I concur that Art should be teleological. Nickel and Dimed, lent by J, is next on the list.
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