Aug 02, 2006 02:58
LAST ....
person you talked to?: david
person you touched?: chewy
thing you touched?: remote before the computer
creepy guy on the street you saw?: oh god….
person you talked to on the phone?: chewy
person you IM..'ed?: too long to remember
place you were?: other than home? Night and Day
window you opened on your computer?: myspizzle
thing you bought at wal*mart?: I bought a bathing suit when I was about 6 or 7
time you went to the hospital?: after my tonsilectimy (sp?) and the drugs were bad
place you went on vacation?: shit, I don’t even remember
home improvment thing you did?: painted my room
time you went to ihop?: too long ago
time you went bowling?: when me, Jason, Lindsey, and Will all went
time you slept in a tent?: I don’t fucking remember
time you went to an amusement park?: senior trip to six flags, bitches
book you read?: choke (for the millionth time)
street sign you saw?: tennyson
movie you watched?: Armageddon (just finished it actually) hah
game you played?: star wars fighting game
holiday that occured?: the fourth I think
time you went to your neighbors?: haha, haven’t been there since they said my family was a bunch of hethens
time you went to buy fish?: when I wanted sushi. So like a month ago at most maybe
kind of flooring your feet touched?: with shoes or without? With=carpet. Without=whatever ryan’s floor is
Dont fear the random!
what cell phone provider do you have?: verizon suckas
ever licked a 9 volt battery?: not that I’m aware
have you won a trophy?: for soccer when I was in kindergarden
weirdest thing you did involving a pizza?: I believe my friends and I thought we could make a frisby of it.
screamed in a library lately?: not lately. Did in the past though.
have you ever fled the country?: haha. If by fled you mean by a stroke of luck I happened to be leaving the country at a time when it was definitely a good time to but it had been planned for quite some time, then yes.
what kind of shoes do you wear?: converse, boots, and whatever brand Annie’s shoes are
how is your bedroom decorated?: walls are green and purple, lots of posters and pictures, insane amounts of trinkets and clothes make up the floor
do you like socks?: I do, but I never seem to have any…
does your dog drink out of the toilet?: no, she just eats trash
are you addicted to anything?: cigarettes and sleep
explain.... well the first is pretty easy to understand, but I always want to sleep. I don’t know.
your thoughts on the green party?: meh
does it bother you when ppl pretend they are stupid for attention?: yeah, but hey what can ya do?
do you see ghosts?: I used to think I did
whats the weather like?: uncomfortably hot as balls
do you roll down the windows at stop lights and crank music?: my windows are always down no matter what (yes, even when it’s raining) and my music is always loud. I actually turn it down when I get to stop lights ‘cause I get embarrassed.
how much is gas?: too much
where do you keep your pants?: floor or on top of my table
do you do weird stuff when ppl aren't around?: I sing loudly to my music and talk to myself, but I sometimes do that when people are around too…eh
explain... I like to let go sometimes?
ever been to an auction?: art auctions at con
ever played in a large box?: duh. Who hasn’t?
ever pretend you were famous?: maybe once or twice when thinking about completing a story
are you in the foamy cult?: nope
weirdest thing you ate?: I dunno. I’ve eaten a few weird things but I’m not all that adventurous
how many states have you been to?: I don’t know. Not many.
whats your curfew?: 1 typically, but 11 when my mom has work the next day.
do you love oompa loompas?: not at all
do you hate it when ppl call .. and then call again when you don’t answer?: unless they are someone who very much knows I hate them, no.
worst thing that happened on vacation?: whole bathing suit came off in the ocean and I basically flashed the whole beach
do you love the price is right?: indifferent
ever had an imaginary friend?: I tried to
were there days they woudnt play with you?: yes
how do you feel about freckles?: they’re cute
are you married to anyone?: hahahahahahahahahaha. What??? I’m too young
ever climbed a silo?: no
how many times have you been to the movie theatre this week?: one? No that was last week
would you sit and talk to a stranger about dentures for 20 minutes?: what could I talk about? “nice dentures” “thanks” “they look like they stick well” “yeah” uhhhh. Yeahh.
worst thing a teacher did to you?: flirted with me
do you hate it when ppl copy you?: I don’t really give a shit
ever stayed out all night?: hahaha. My car wins
ever hurt someone with food?: I think I might have. Jason?
used a fake id?: nope
ever slept outside?: yep
ever tried to make a friend jealous?: I don’t know
accidently set something on fire?: hahaha, accidentally?
did you get in tons of trouble?: no