Sep 12, 2005 20:38
Okay, so that dumb ass girl at work is pissing me off. She tells everyone what to do then sits on her ass watching us. Then she will be like "you didn't do it right" why the fuck doesn't she do it herself. I can't stand her. She told me to go I did. Then she was like now Sara hates me, she is in a bad mood now. I'm like shut up. haha I'm venting. I just can't stand her.. Next time I work with her I'm going to ask when she is leaving. And I hope its soon. I'm so glad everyone else feels the same way. Grrrr.
Anyways. Besides that...I went out the other night. Keith invited me to go to his house because he was having people over. So him and Brandon/Brendon(I'm not too sure) picked me up and when back to his house. His family was there and his friends came. They drank a lot of 151. I was going to throw up just watching them drink it all. They set off fireworks which I was amazing scared off lol. Then his friend Tyler drove me home. He needed to get gas before he drove back to college that night so we went to Schoharie to get gas because there was no 24 hour gas stations in Cobleskill. Then we were going to go to the Dunkin Donuts there but it was closed for some reason. So we went to the one in Cobleskill. lol Then he drove me home. =) It was a lot of fun.
Oh man, after I got home from work yesterday. I went to sleep at like 4...and woke up at 1am. It was crazy. Then I fell asleep at 5am and woke up at 10... I slept way too much. I was soo tired.
Well I'm off to watch Friends & Laguna Beach ;)