(no subject)

Dec 13, 2004 20:13

Finals are done! Finals are done!

*Laughs with wicked delight*

Now have scads of time and lots of things to do... tons of mischief to manage... but hey, no more finals!

Am working on the fic that I said I would not work on. And I maintain that I'm not working perse, I'm... um... erm... dabbling with it in an experimental and disjointed fashion. Yeah. *looks shifty but nods emphatically*

Have not started this year's Christmas Story but am thinking of writing one with lots of carols, radios, and killer frogs. Must settle down to write it as it is already mid-December.

The fic that is supposedly an only child has progressed....somewhat.

But hey, I've been sleeping for decadently long periods of time with my duvet. What could be better than that?

Am off to gloat about my lack of finals... And whine about the delay between my grades and my finals. Both a blessing and a curse!
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