(no subject)

Nov 13, 2004 13:29

Alex recently pointed out that I could post text here instead of endless pictures and quiz results. With that revelation under my belt, I've decided to indulge her. I might even post a couple of times today. If she's lucky.

Slept from about 4:45 yesterday until about 10 something-or-other today. But I'm feeling very well rested and alert now....in a contented I've-just-been-fed-brunch sort of way. Mmmmmm....

I went to a pawn shop today. Found lots of things I want but had little cash on my person. My dad informs me that when buying from a pawn shop, your supposed to haggle about the price. As long as its above their rock bottom price, they'll take your bid. As he rocks at haggling (practice and experience!) and Mom's a sweetheart who just pays up, I've already determined who I'm going to drag back there to help me buy some of my wish list.

I like Mo's present but I won't see her for awhile. Which means I'll have to keep her present for awhile....It's too bad probably a good thing that I've already wrapped it, otherwise I'd be able tempted to play with it. Ah well. I probably would not want to give it to her if I'd already bonded played with it. Besides, it's not a good policy to use other people's gifts then give them away. So yeah, it'll be unused and in pristine condition when I give it away. Darn it.

I have tons of homework to wade through. Sorrow. Two assignments even involve library style research. The inhumanity!

Best get to work then.
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