(no subject)

Nov 09, 2004 20:13

It's been a short day which makes me oddly wistful. I LIKE Tuesdays. My Courtney Crumrin book arrived today. Must go pick it up.

It's Mo's birthday tomorrow. My family scared me silly when they informed me, upon waking, that today was Mo's birthday. They were very cheerful and happy about it. Someone even snuck in and wrote her birthday on my calander - in today's box.

However, I've always thought her birthday to be the 10th. And I've known Mo for...ye gads...eight years now. Imagine how utterly wretched I felt all day, thinking that I'd gotten her birthday utterly wrong all those years. And that she'd been too polite to tell me. Torture.

Finally, I gave up and called her, found out that I am not a complete idiot, and promptly admitted to my fears in a wave of stupidity-inducing relief. Oh well. Maybe I can work in some Mo time tomorrow, despite the fact that the reason I like Tuesdays is because Mondays and Wednesdays are so hectic. My family, will of course, be celebrating her birthday both days.

The internship seems to be going fairly well. The kids seem to like me and I have yet to do anything truely stupid. Every kid in my reading group volunteered to read aloud today. Several times in fact. And were pouty when they thought I'd let someone else read more than their fair share. Rapture. Of course, I read to them too - which they seem to like a lot. The paperwork I have due, however, is fairly alarming. Death By Papercut seems to be becoming a bigger and bigger hazard in my life. C'est la vie. After all, what's the fun in living without a little danger? *cheesy grin*

As an interesting fact of life: the nails on my right hand are respectably long, especially consider the fact that I am myself and therefore a klutz. The nails on my left hand, however, are as short as ever. It probably has something to do with being left-handed.
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