SO out of touch with LJ lately, I realized I hadn't announced Stephen's birth!
Our baby came December 1st at 3:15 pm, born into the water and mama's arms! Two weeks from my date of conception due date, 11 days past the lmp due date. 8.5 lbs, 19" long, Stephen is nursing like a little piglet and winning all our hearts. Our first California baby and first waterbirth.
~I don't think I measured his length correctly because he is 22" now and a little over 9 lb. His head circumference is 95%ile!! So it wasn't just my imagination when he was coming out that it was a freaking big head! Couldn't even find his fontanels for the first two days it was so compressed.
He's over two weeks now and we're doing well, my mother-in-law left town yesterday- she was here for 4 weeks prior to the birth and stayed two weeks after- and so I'm in the midst of readjusting to being the solo adult home 90% of the time and being responsible for all the meals and cleaning and child care. We're broke- seems like we're always broke this time of year and whenever there is a baby- so it's all cooking, no take out. Fortunately that means we're eating better for the most part, though today is my first big grocery and milk run day. Thank goodness for Amazon- it's saving me a lot of Christmas shopping. My parents will be coming to visit right after Christmas too, so it's less than two weeks till there's company again, thank goodness!