Mar 18, 2009 07:53
Cut and paste these questions and ask your kids their answers... you might learn something new about yourself- I sure did :)
Isaac 12yo
Elisabeth 9 yo
Abinadi almost 7 yo
Peter 4 yo
Anna 2 yo too little to talk well enough
Seán 11 weeks and too little to talk yet
1. What is something mom always says to you?
Isaac: I always forget you're not any older than 12
Elisabeth: I love you!
Abinadi: 'when I hit she says no hitting just tell her if Peter's being a pest.'
Peter: be nice to my sisters and brothers
2. What makes mom happy?
Isaac: Hmmm. Have to think about that one. A frank exchange of opinions- in depth discussion.
Elisabeth: Me helping out with the kids when she's really stressed out
Abinadi: cleaning up when she asks
Peter: being nice
3. What makes mom sad?
Isaac: troubles in the family
Elisabeth: Being away from dad
Abinadi: me complaining about when she makes a kind of food I don't like, like salmon
Peter: hurting people
4. How does your mom make you laugh?
Isaac: when she is talking about irrational people or sharing stories of when we (the kids) were small
Elisabeth: When she does the evil eye
Abinadi: she says things funny and sometimes hangs me upside down
Peter: saying very funny things
5. What was your mom like as a child?
Isaac: her nickname "Chomp" says it all!
Elisabeth: Helpful
Abinadi: she was the oldest in the family
Peter: Seán
6. How old is your mom?
Isaac: As old as the Nintendo system
Elisabeth: 34
Abinadi: 4- i mean i think she's 34
Peter: I think she's 11
7. How tall is your mom?
Isaac: Taller than I am, but not for long!
Elisabeth: About as tall as dad (Dad is over 6 feet tall)
Abinadi: um, I'd say about sixty feet tall
Peter: um, I don't know (we told him to guess) I think she's this tall (stretching his arm up all the way over his head.)
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
Isaac: fritter away her time on Facebook and various email accounts
Elisabeth: Play with her kids
Abinadi: i think her favorite thing to do is make sure the house is all clean. so it doesn't get dirty and stuff.
Peter: take care of children?
9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
Isaac: Watch inappropriate movies, smoke and drink beer, and if dad is around, chat with him
Elisabeth: Mostly watch movies with dad, and eat ice cream
Abinadi: um, i think she just uh, hangs out in the house
Peter: she misses me
10.If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
Isaac: Either having the largest nose in the world, having the most kids in the world, or having the longest tongue in the world
Elisabeth: Cooking!
Abinadi: playing the piano
Peter: I think she would be famous for all the children
11. What is your mom really good at?
Isaac: shouting!
Elisabeth: Cooking!
Abinadi: uh, she's really good at selling clothes. ((me): yeah?) to her friends. (??)
Peter: making food
12. What is your mom not good at?
Isaac: politely asking people to do things
Elisabeth: fixing the car
Abinadi: um, she's not good at keeping her temper
Peter: driving
13. What does your mom do for a job?
Isaac: nothing
Elisabeth: nothing but playing with her kids
Abinadi: uh, she makes sure the house is clean and she sweeps when the house is dirty
Peter: to make sure everybody doesn't be mean!
14. What is your mom's favorite food?
Isaac: a lot of things that aren't mine
Elisabeth: salmon
Abinadi: sushi
Peter: meatballs
15. What makes you proud of your mom?
Isaac: she's always willing to spend time with her kids
Elisabeth: she homeschools us really well
Abinadi: well, my mom makes sure the house is clean
Peter: being nice
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Isaac: Can I make up a character? (I told him this was hard to do in writing.) OK, Marge Simpson.
Elisabeth: Bugs Bunny
Abinadi: uh, you know that-crazy girl from imaginary friends with, um, black hair?
Peter: A game, like a Star Wars game- you would be Princess Leia if you were a Star Wars game!
17. What do you and your mom do together?
Isaac: talk and occasionally play Magic
Elisabeth: sew
Abinadi: uh, mom sometimes used to take me on a special to Ben & Jerry's
Peter: play games like Wormy Apples and other games (Peter is very good at checkers)
18. How are you and your mom the same?
Isaac: We have the same colors of hair and eyes and we are both anarchists
(Isaac told me the other day that he is a rational anarchist- I'm not sure I'd classify myself that way, but he asserts that we are both in the same general area. I also disagree on our eye color- his are greyish green hazel, mine are brownish yellow green)
Elisabeth: we are both really fun!
Abinadi: uh, mom likes to read books to me that's how we are the same
Peter: because we're a family
19. How are you and your mom different?
Isaac: I am only concerned with organizing things to the point where they can be easily found, whereas my mom, for example, is concerned with having me stack matching plates separately.
Elisabeth: she can cook MUCH better than I can
Abinadi: uh, um, mom has a diff'rent color of hair from my hair, because my hair is blond and her hair is black
Peter: because I'm a boy and you're a girl
20. How do you know your mom loves you?
Isaac: Whatever love is, if she didn't, she would have strangled me by now
Elisabeth: because she has fun with me
Abinadi: uh, she uh, makes sure i get to the bathroom on time right when i get up and before i go to bed and before breakfast
Peter: because God likes kids
21. What does your mom like most about your dad?
Isaac: He's hardworking, just, and willing to put others before himself
Elisabeth: that he helps out with the kids when she's really stressed
Abinadi: uh, he's hardworking finding a job.
Peter: giving him things
22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
Isaac: to sleep!
Elisabeth: home
Abinadi: she likes going to wild oats because they used to sell sushi
Peter: california!
the kids,