No baby yet. 1 week to go on my due date. I did catch up on my LJ friends list a tiny bit.
1 week to go. Favorite names (mine, I haven't discussed w/ dh in a few weeks)
Sean Thomas
Sean Elias
Stephen Elwin
Stephen Elias
Stephen Earnest
Nathaniel Elwin
still no girls names really pinned down so maybe we'll have a boy?
Crocheting a scarf to go with a hat I made for Patrick- it needs to about 9 feet long so it's taking significantly more time and yarn than I'd realized when I started. It's something to do when I need to stay off my feet.
OCD nesting this time. The house is straighter and more organized than before we moved- that's saying a lot. Still some hotspots and clutter, but almost everything (there are always a few items lingering in a corner or in the laundry) has made it into one of four places- it's new home, a labeled container in the appropriate section of our attic, the goodwill box or bag, the recycling bin/garbage
I'd enjoy it more if my ankles would quit swelling! Just imagine I could like, wax the floors and paint trim or something! As it is I can crochet.
Feeling a bit isolated lately, in spite of being able to get out without the kids fairly frequently in the last month or so. Sick kiddos have kept us from having any company and some fun outings. They aren't sleep it off sick, just lingering hacking cough. Blah. Elisabeth has it now, or something else- she's running a fever for over 48 hours now? And Patrick thinks he's getting it. Anna has become an accomplished nose blower and wiper, and quite cooperative too- for almost 2 anyway! She is anti-clothing, it's very difficult to get her dressed and even harder to keep her that way. She is still peeing on the floor once or twice a day, but she does everything else in the toilet if she is naked, maybe accidents two-three times a day if she is fully dressed. When I can get her dressed, she wears panties or cloth training pants at home except at night, she's been staying dry at night too which is amazing because I never got good at helping her toilet at night so she is just holding it through the night, really nice since she likes her footie pajamas.
She's been enjoying a bath with me lately and will ask to get out of the bathtub, sit on the potty and pee, then get back in the tub- how amazing is that for a 22 month old!? She has also decided she prefers the big toilet with her insert seat, so she will go from one bathroom to the other if the seat isn't in the right one, and she is also acrobatically skilled in maneuvering herself onto the seat without a step stool- she will call me to go with her maybe 1 time out of 3? She will still sometimes poop in the little potty, but it's no longer daily thing, she likes the big toilet. She put her knees up so she is squatting but sitting back on her hands when she poops.
Anna is really into pretend play with her bears- two little stuffed bears she adopted from our family of stuffed animals and are her favorite dollies. She will stop what she is doing and start calling "Beh! BEH!" and run through the house till she finds one or both of them, them bring them back to her with whatever she was originally doing- like they were too quiet or she heard them fighting in the next room, so now they have to come be close to mama!? She carries them in a sling or gets me to tie them on her back, pulls them in a wagon, pushes them in a stroller, or holds them up to her shoulder- never dangling them by one leg. She cooks all sorts of delicious meals for them, puts them to bed (sometimes putting herself down for a nap in the process,) reads to them- one thing she doesn't do much is nurse them. Instead she brings them to me for umms, holding them up to my breast and going "um um umum um!" and then giggling. I don't know whey she chose them out of the pack to be her babies- she still uses her baby dolls, but the bears are the favorites.
Peter has had the most persistent cough, and had it the longest. He's asked to nurse several times (and been denied,) and is wetting the bed 3-4 nights a week- he had managed 10 days dry a month or so ago, then seemed to regress. He detests Anna now, whether she is trying to get his attention or just passively watching him. He doesn't want to share space with her or hold her hand or sit next to her. He will only play with her if Elisabeth is in charge of the game and he's not in close contact. He's suffering from not being the baby anymore, and emotionally, I really ache to nurse him, but physically, I am so not going back to 3 nurselings. There are only 2 for a reason bud! I've tried to talk about what he might be feeling with him a couple of times, probably just irritated or confused him. I just hope he can be on better terms with the new baby and that he'll let Anna into his heart eventually.I know she has the capability to pester and be very stubborn, but he gets frustrated with her the majority of the time just for existing. :o/
We've decided to try putting Abinadi in the front seat while he is still light enough to use my parent's lightweight booster seat and not set off the airbag, and having Anna and the new baby on the second row back, with Peter still in the far back. Isaac and Elisabeth will trade off the back rows and no one (but me!) will have to sit in the middle next to Abinadi. I don't want to move Anna out of my sight and I don't want her right next to the baby or Abinadi right next to the baby, and don't want the baby in the far back of the van either. I never realized that a mini-van car would still involve this much thought in seating arrangements- there are more choices than piling everyone next to each other across the bench in the back of a Buick, but still a pretty amazing amount of possible strife.
I should go crochet, I can't keep my feet up when I'm on the computer and my round ligaments are aching from sitting this way too long...
Oh I am doing Facebook updates now semi-regularly- though I still don't install applications and spamware. In case anyone reading this needed yet another cyber connection with me. I had opened an account as part of the Ron Paul effort last year, and one of our friends moved away to California this fall and keeps sending Facebook messages, keeping me involved. It's taking up what would have been lj time, but it takes a lot less time to come up with a single sentence that describes my day than a blog entry, so it's easier to justify...