I did nothing.

Jul 29, 2007 22:01

Earlier this month I posted a friends only post about racism and my brave and heroic confrontation of it. YEAH. It turns out I did nothing this time.

At an event I attended on Saturday, in my hearing and direct line of sight (I was close enough to have participated in the conversation) one of the participants said to another, "Yep you're white as can be. You don't have any nigger in you for sure!" to which the person addressed responded "I really don't like that word. Don't use that word around me please."

The red-skinned overheated guy who was adressed and responded? He gets points. Me? I not only ignored it I did my best to sweep it under the rug by changing the subject!! I did nothing to address the issue directly, publicly or privately, nothing to point out how damaging personal racism can be to a political campaign.

And the email I wrote about in that aforementioned post? It went to the group mod but never got posted to the group. I have his response in my inbox- post it to the board- bu have not posted it.

The guy who used the N word? He's a staunch John Bircher born and bred in the Memphis city limits. Not a hip hop listening clubbing white homeboy. Absolutely no excuse. Memphis sucks y'all.

So now I've done nothing but admit that I did nothing. I could still do something. But I'm not sure what. Expect updates.

politics, racism, the south

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