Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands? - Ernest Gaines
We would like to know who really believes in gay rights on LiveJournal. There is no bribe of a miracle or anything like that. If you truly believe in gay rights, then repost this and title the post as "Gay Rights". If you don't believe in gay rights, then just ignore this. Thanks.
So who is we? I imagine some gay person who started this meme. And what does it mean to support gay rights? Does it mean the same thing to all people?
For me, it means that I do not support government discrimination. I do not support government involvement in marriage, other than it's role in enforcing and mediating marriage as a contract between two individuals. I do not support government measures to prevent homosexual relationships from being recognized as marriages, any more than I support government interventions to prevent polygamous relationships from being recognized as marriages. I do not support publicly owned financial institutions (health insurance companies come to mind) discriminating against homosexual marriages. I do not believe that government should have a major role in ending discrimination- only that it should not itself discriminate. Hate crimes should be prosecuted as such, laws still on the books outlawing certain forms of sexual contact between consenting adults should be struck out. The Roman Empire should be proof that homosexuality does not render an army that contains homosexuals useless and ineffective.
Public schools and what they should or shouldn't teach- I can't even go there. I don't know. How am I qualified to decide what someone else's children should be taught? School choice, vouchers, and small local school boards should make that decision. The attitude of your family and it's involvement in your life will carry more weight than what you are taught in school.
When it comes to the right of individuals to discriminate based on gender and sexual orientation I become much more iffy. If I wanted to advertise a room for rent for a straight female roommate, I feel that I should be able to do so. Because of the high percentage of homosexuals who have experienced sexual abuse as children, I would be much less likely to hire a male homosexual as a kindergarten teacher or daycare worker or nanny. I do not support discrimination, but each individual persons right to discriminate. I also support the right of religious organizations to discriminate based on their individual creeds.