plan for the day

Jun 14, 2006 12:18

Google's word for the day is choleric. It's definitely been a choleric day for me.

Every little thing irritates me. Whether it's Patrick going to get antibiotics for his throat- $160 down the drain- but he doesn't want to go to the chiropractor- my back is out- policewomen telling the kids who are playing in the yard that Peter (19 months) must have clothes on (findlaw brought up nothing on indecent exposure laws in TN)- Isaac holding Peter upside down by his heels and dangling him behind his back while he screams- Elisabeth refusing to take the dog out- my bank account being overdrawn because I've been walking around with this $20 in my wallet for over a week instead of finding time to deposit it into my account, the fact that the yard desperately needed mowing A WEEK AGO, the fact that I have moved my entire fucking life over here and now I get to reorganize it AND find places for Patrick's shit that isn't organized- instead of just having to fit his stuff into my already somewhat ordered home- that there isn't one room in the house free of chaos- other than the computer room- that there is NOWHERE to unpack my bathroom stuff or my linen closet stuff or my pantry or my dishes. That I have had to deep clean both houses- dust bunnies on baseboards etc. That I don't have a decent broom. That my hair really looks like crap. I thought it looked bad a couple weeks ago, but now- it is even worse. Whehweeeeew. Blah. And Peter seems to working towards giving up naps- unless he can remain attached to my nipple. And I'm just a little bit queasy all the time, but my kitchen is in total chaos because I can't unpack and have no storage and must wash all the dishes by hand, so I'm eating crap, (breakfast = cold cereal) so I'm feeling queasy. But yesterday I had oatmeal and took my vitamins and still felt ill.

OK. This is what I'm doing Just for Today. I'm doing two things I really don't feel like doing that I just want done, because I know I will feel so much better when they are done.

1) I am going to spend the $20 in my wallet on some more hair bleach and I am going to TRY if I can find time to bleach the roots before rehearsals tonight. Then it will be ready to dye and I can dye it sometime tomorrow and it will look better.

2) I am going to borrow a weed eater from my friend and whack the front and backyards. They are teeny yards anyway, and I can't use our lawnmower because

a) I can't ever start the damn thing and Patrick won't start it for me
b) as far as I know he has it taken apart anyway, because he bought a couple new parts for them and hasn't installed them yet

I know I will feel better if the grass is cut and I don't cringe when I look in the mirror.

I am also doing one thing I feel like doing- going to the chiropractor. I'll write a check and I should have cash I can put in the bank tonight, an advance on pet care I'm doing next week. Yeah it's skatingon thin ice, but I made the appointment before I knew I was overdrawn, and today is the best day because since P. is taking the nasty abx, he will hopefully feel better and be working tomorrow and the next day, and it will be harder to get the car.

anger, working through it, chaos, moving to midtown, fed up

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