Jan 17, 2007 23:42
Hmmm.... there's something that I've been pondering lately. See, my mother died in a car wreck when I was real young, so it's been just me and my dad for most of my life. He would date here and there trying to move on, but nothing too serious ever happened until a little over a year ago. Her name's Monica and two weeks ago he asked her to marry him, which stirred up these thoughts. How can you marry someone, pledge your life to them and just move on to do the same with someone else if they die? I mean, especially if you believe in some sort of life after death? What, do you marry someone else, die, go to heaven and work things out with your first husband or wife? "...'til death do you part..." I think that's just in the physical sense. I don't think it means you should part emotionally. I don't even know if I believe in heaven and all that, but if I love someone enough to say "hey, I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm going to go through having children, taxes, insurance, dealing with your family. I'm going to go through all that shit with you because I love you and always will.", if I tell her that, and she dies...
...I'll go to my grave wearing that ring.