Title: Blood Lines - Universe (3/25)
crumpledquillFandom: True Blood
Rating: R
Genre: AU (Pam and Jessica are in an established relationship).
Pairing: Pam/Jessica
Spoilers: None as it's AU
Disclaimer: I disclaim all characters etc that aren't mine.
Summary: Jessica likes to stargaze.
“What on Earth are you doing?” Pam asked, stepping out into the empty parking lot. Fangtasia was heaving as usual; she was supposed to be working. Though she doubted Eric would mind her checking on her companion.
“Watching,” Jessica hushed her as if her voice was breaking something precious. Pam groaned, striding toward her. It wasn’t exactly silent outside. There was the dull thudding of music coming from the club, and the laughter and slurred words of drunken humans.
She took a seat on the bonnet of her car, next to the redhead.
“You’ve never complained about being bored before,” she noted, her voice cool and crisp.
Jessica sighed glancing toward her, her hand taking Pam’s,
“I’m not bored - anything but.”
“Then why on Earth out you out here, alone, in the cold.”
Jessica didn’t say anything else, she just pointed toward the sky. Pam groaned her gaze reluctantly looking up.
“Don’t moan,” Jessica chide - the only one who could get away with that, “Do you not think it’s amazing. We’re so tiny - so small in this universe.”
There was a pause.
“Yes amazing, yes so interesting,” Pam replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Pam - you don’t have to be like that all the time,” Jessica noted with a sigh, “Just let me teach you something, you teach me so much.”
“What is it that you want to teach me?”
“That you are all of that, and more to me.”
The blonde’s lip’s curled into a smile,
“Why Miss Hamby - you do know how to flatter.”
And with that she kissed her.