Ha. I don't think there's anything left to say about this show. I honestly don't. Even if this was one of the better eps lately, I honestly do not care. Not even CMFB made me want to continue watching. I almost didn't make it through the ep because I already figured it out before it aired. BEFORE THE EP AIRED I KNEW HOW IT'D PAN OUT. THAT IS BAD. I knew Arlene was there to be the common enemy. Already did that with Foreman and his brother, so not a new concept. Foreman/Chase bet was mildly interesting only because they haven't done anything with Foreman yet except call him a robot. I felt Thirteen regress a little and turn her into House Lite the Female Version. Then there's the trio. I can't even.
I can tell you right now that I have no idea what Wilson, House and Cuddy talked about. I know Wilson tried intervening with that summit where House and Cuddy got a couple digs in and then that was it. If that's them talking it out, then I'm done. It'd be nice if they'd sit down and hash it out without Wilson there. I don't care if it gets mean and nasty, but they need to sort it out without Wilson. That'll never happen because the two seconds of H/Cu arguing about the breakup will be it.
The POTW was mildly interesting. Completely paralleled House. Like an anvil. Thank you for that writers. Except for the hope. House doesn't have that and neither does Thirteen I believe. Also, Chase was lying about going celibate and Foreman is a ball of fiery anger ready to burst at any second. House stays miserable. Nobody changes. WE GET IT, WRITERS. THANK YOU. REMIND ME WHY I SHOULD WATCH THE SHOW IF THERE'S NO GROWTH? All we get are different hairstyles. Heck, that's changing way more than the characters are. If all we get is this Nobody Changes crap, then why bother watching anymore? Why invest in these characters? Why waste an hour of my life in being depressed and told that life will always suck and there's no hope in it getting better?
With the economy in a slump and people are turning to movies and television for distraction and hope -- why make it worse? People are looking for someone to make it through. We used to cheer for House, root for him not just because he's the main character, but because we could see a soul in him, a yearning for something more. He wants to believe. Now, he's just a jerk that does whatever he wants. It's almost like Cal Lightman in his jerk phase. It makes me NOT want to root for him or watch this show when he's the MAIN character.
I used to cling onto the hope that there would be something else, something more, something deeper to all this madness and now I don't. We been told repeatedly by Shore and Co. that there's no hope. That House will always fail. That House and Cuddy will never get back together, will never reconcile. That no one changes. That everyone is a miserable bastard. I actually believe them. There won't be anything deeper. Nothing has been subtle this season. There is no deeper thread or plot. This is it. Even if this happened to be some altered-state thing or whatever conspiracy theory is hot right now, it wouldn't phase me. This is House's reality. And it's absolutely depressing and all out boring. I'm done. I'm not even sure I can make it to the finale before quitting. Especially after those next scenes. I don't care if they're misleading or not, it's not new, it's not interesting, it is just downright depressing and horrifying. I don't care if Shore co-wrote that ep. I've gotten to the point where literally nothing phases me. I didn't even blink when Wilson said that House still loves Cuddy or when Arlene basically told them that they are it for each other. I used to cling and flail to every little moment like that. Not anymore. I think it's time to quit for good. Even my masochism has a limit. And so does my hope and patience.
Oh my goodness, where do I begin? I am so glad this show ends my Monday nights. After the trainwreck that is House and the rush of Chicago Code, I need this show.
I thought I'd never say this but, Castle and Beckett could quite possibly get together at the end of this season. I'm serious. I thought they'd wait until next season, but after this ep, it could really happen. And I'm EXCITED and nervous. Now that House has scarred me for life in getting two leads together, I'm slightly terrified of how that'll play out. So far Andrew Marlowe hasn't taken us astray. From the few tidbits I've read, he seems to have his head on straight. He knows that they'll get together and that he'll write them in a real, functional relationship. I just don't want him to pull a Bones or a House. Don't take too long and when you do get them together, DON'T SCREW IT UP.
Not asking for much, am I? ;)
This ep sealed the deal. If that letter from Royce wasn't a big enough anvil, those heavy scenes should have. That one on the couch a;flskdjfa;slkdfjalsdkf. I swear, I nearly had a heart attack because I didn't want them to kiss or hook up just yet. BAD BAD BAD idea. Beckett was still reeling from Royce's murder and emotionally crazy, so I was so glad that Castle ended up going to his room. I do like that Beckett had that moment of weakness and opened the door again, but so glad nothing came out of that. If it did it would've ruined the ship for me.
-Love the first class upgrade and the whole, "I'm not getting rid of you, am I?" She hardly even tries to push him away now.
-The interrogation room was hilarious. Love that they used the set.
-Beckett being called a green cop. LOL. Oh man. Then the poke. And the "I wanna kiss you right now!" with Castle's face. Priceless. Also, Castle, when checking out Beckett in her swimsuit, could be less obvious? :P
-Ryan is so adorable when he answered the phone the first time Beckett called. Aww. I ♥ Ryan. He's my fav.
-Loving that Castle keeps bringing all these old characters back. Royce? I totally didn't think he'd be back after Beckett arrested him. So awesome.
-We need more Lanie. The few kisses we got with her and Esposito were cute. Hee. Glad they haven't dropped that storyline either.
-Dissolving bullets? SO COOL. I mean I've heard of ice bullets and meat ones from CSI, but actual dissolving bullets? No way.
-How come the boys get all the shootouts? I thought Ryan might've been shot. Omg, if he dies, I will cry so hard.
-Maurice the concierge guy was AWESOME. He knew the ins and outs of the wealthy world and he got them whatever he wanted. Kinda reminded me of the awesome concierge guy, Carnell, in House in that post-break up ep. At least Castle and Beckett never ordered anything crazy unlike House. Anyway, the murder board was cool to see in LA.
-Lincoln from Prison Break! Yay! He was the bad guy and he has HAIR! WOOT. Good to see him again. Love his vault off the pier fence. So cool. If it was a stunt guy, don't tell me. :P I wanna do that one day.
-I wonder just how close Beckett was to shooting Gance. I bet she was really close, but if he had killed Castle, I bet she wouldn't have hesitated. After all she compared Castle to Royce at the crime scene.
-Castle is kinda cute when he sleeps. Hee.